Good Effects:
*Can make money easily (not guaranteed)
*Gives so much pleasure
*Meeting new friends
*Can increase your assets
This absolutely correct. If you want an easy money they try to get into a gambling world. Gambling is very entertaining and at the same time very addictive especially if you are really enjoying the game. Of course in gambling it always happens that you will meet a new circle of friends and it could also increase your assets through cash.
*Big loss
*Increased on your debt
*Loss jobs
*Broken Family/Failed on relationship
*Insufficient Funds
Despite of this effects many people are still want to continue gambling, how can you handle this possible effects of gambling in your life?
Actually a lot of people had experienced this bad effects over good effects. We should also know that gambling is a very game so you should know your limitations in order for you to not experience these bad effects of gambling.