I agree with what you said because for investing in bitcoin it doesn't matter whether they are an introvert or extrovert for that matter because it doesn't really matter when you start investing. The focus is on how you do the investment strategy that you do regardless of introverts and extroverts it doesn't matter because the most important thing in investing is whether you have done it right or not.
There is another intention maybe from the OP when saying Intovert and Extrovert in this case because of the Anonymity problem that is owned because by saying an Introvert they will not say or tweet about their pride in being in bitcoin and the investments made but when looking at this condition actually I don't think it doesn't really matter too much when we are on a business path and say clearly that he is a bitcoin investor as long as we keep other things I don't think it will also be too influential.
Dont mind others views and words and just simply focus on your own because you are the ones who would really be making out such step towards your success and not on other people.
Its true that it would vary somehow on what market you are tending to engage but since we are speaking about crypto then it wont matter and doesnt really need that socialization or whatsoever that
correlates to this.