Does any forum member know how to give their own comments in regards to any posts and/or links that they provide - besides just posting what someone else says?
The ones that do know something might come as naysayers, but whatever, let's burn some pink unicorn dreams:
Starting with this: the ones that only copy-paste Bukele's dreams and don't know or are unwilling to research stuff for just 1$ a post, that's an FSRU ship, as Salavdor imports LNG to keep its gas powerplants online, Salvador is not only an importer of gas but despite this, it still imports 25% of its electricity from its neighbors. The country has a 380 MW gas powerplant in construction to balance the load and reduce electricity imports and some of you still think it's the world's cheapest place to mine. Just lols!
Marathon was paying 2.5 cents per kwh in Montana, Riot has claimed in their financial fillings they have 2.96 cents/kwh for 2022, and some think that Salvador which is subsidizing energy and can only get as low as
$0.1555 per kWh will compete with this.
Sure the post may well still be valuable, but it would be nice to know if forum members might have some of their own ideas .. whether talking about facts or significance or describing what is contained within the linked-information that they post.
Yeah, would be nice, but, it won't happen cause 99% of those that post this garbage here have no clue what they are talking about!
Let's give it a try:
Because the government of this country is giving maximum facilities to Bitcoin. Any miner can easily run their own mining operations in El Salvador.
Wow, sounds great!
Then can you tell us what kind of incentive miners on this forum have to move to Salvador and why the f word hasn't any of them moved there?
Can you share some of those cost benefits? Taxes, tariffs? Anything???
hahahahaha,.,. it is not ONLY Ethereum that has the pink unicorns... you have some points there.. you party-pooping naysayer.
For sure there is some value if we actually see the mining taking place and companies going to El Salvador to mine bitcoin (and yeah maybe it starts out with El Salvador subsidized entities to get it started), and so the extent to which they are actually able to mine or to attract outside investors or to even bring down their costs of energy (perhaps reducing some of their needs for imported energy) likely continues to need to be seen beyond mere theoretical assertions.
Of course, there is value in regulatory friendliness and regulatory clarity, and many folks might consider that recently some western countries are not expressing very much friendliness to bitcoin (even though there is rule of law and various abilities to challenge various negative actions towards bitcoin), but then there can be difficulties in terms of any company actually wanting to move to a place like El Salvador, if the regulatory friendliness of something like El Salvador still ONLY has less than a 2-year track record of having bitcoin as legal tender.. and then even merely having bitcoin as legal tender still does not even put to test some of the application of various legal certainties that companies frequently want to have especially if they would be injecting decent amounts of capital that they would not want to lose (and probably would want to be profitable .. .since public companies have to report back to their shareholders in terms of justifying the places that they are investing, and even private companies are still going to want to have decent levels of profitability, sustainability or even that future projections of those kinds of profitability/sustainability justifications to invest in any area (such as El Salvador) that historically they had not been investing into).