I have $167 in the wallet, and it shows that as the balance, however max send only wants to send around $85. I can't imagine there is that much fees. I have checked and don't have any frozen addresses or coins.
The transaction fee isn't fixed in dollar and doesn't depend on the amount of bitcoin you send.
The transaction fee depends on number of inputs and outputs and your addresses type (legacy, nested segwit and native segwit, multi-sig). It also depends on network congestion and how fast you want your transaction to be confirmed.
There's a high probability that you have received the fund in several transactions and now you are combining all of them in a single transaction. If that's the case, you have many inputs and your transaction has a big size.
How many rows do you see in "Coins" tab?
Is your wallet legacy or segwit? (Legacy addresses start with 1, nested segwit addresses start with 3 and native segwit addresses start with bc1)
Aren't you using a 2FA wallet?
How much did you set the fee rate to?
I see 8 rows in the coins tab
I see, I didn't realize the complexity of the fee structure. Still seems like a big amount though if that's the case.
I checked and it looks like they are legacy addresses. Hmm. I use a password to get into the wallet and to send funds. I guess I did use 2fa to get these funds. Like I have 2fa turned on for the exchange they were purchased from originally, then i sent to this wallet.
I also see that when I look at the addresses and sort by balance, 2 of them are "receiving" and the other 6 are "change" type.
So if this is a fee/legacy wallet issue, what would be the best way to get the most coin possible to a new proper wallet?