The worst is that i had misplaced my seeds and master keys i only have just the files backed up on my onedrive. I would be very happy if you can assist me sir.
Just make a copy of your "
electrum.dat" file and load it to the latest version of Electrum.
That's your actual wallet file and it's still supported by version 4.3.3. (
latest as of now)
Since it's a portable version, the file should be in the same folder where the portable electrum executable is located.
To load it, simply download Portable Electrum from
electrum.org/#download and verify it (
Open it to create the "
electrum_data" folder in the same directory, leave it, open that fodler, create a
wallets folder inside it then paste the copy your electrum.dat that "
wallets" folder.
Go back to Electrum 4.3.3 portable and load that wallet (
Choose...) instead of creating a new one, if you somehow pasted it in the wrong directory, browse manually to that dir.
But I have one concern, the error that you get doesn't point to a valid "
.cmd" file plus you said that it's v1.7 while the screenshot doesn't look like that version.
I'd suggest you to check your PC's security and verify the current version of Electrum that you're using so you wont risk the funds by running a fake version or using a compromised system.