Dust limit for legacy address is 546 sat which is 0.00000546 BTC. Which is 0.00546 mBTC
Dust limit for segment version 0 is 294 sat which is 0.000000294 BTC. Which is 0.00294 mBTC.
Dust limit for segwit version 1 (pay-to-taproot) is 330 sat which is 0.0000033 BTC. Which is 0.0033 mBTC
How much are you trying to receive? (You might mixing things up between mBTC and BTC?) From the error, I'm guessing you're trying to create a request/invoice? You don't need to do that, you can just go to the addresses tab, and give the address to the person who's going to send you the money. You should be fine.
I guess this could be the reason.
Legacy addresses starts from 1
Segwit version 0 addresses starts from bc1q
Segwit version 1 addresses bc1p