Hello everybody! I was just getting ready to start my experience with bitcoin and as many recommended, I downloaded Electrum for windows 10 from the official site but as the download finished, windows defender has found a virus, a trojan and deleted it automatically. This seems a bit strange because I've seen many people talking about this wallet positively, could you tell me if you get the same result? I plan to buy soon from Coinbase, what wallet for desktop should I get instead of Electrum? Please let me know, thank you very much!
Since you have said it's from the official site, then
its to be sure its really from the official site. If its there, then there is nothing to worry about. A lot of people uses this software and it is yet to fail which its expected to stay that way. I have downloaded it but on Windows 8.1 which I haven't had any issue whatsoever even with a very strong anti virus until I discontinue its use. Just go trace the source, validate it, then make exception for your antivirus or better still download the android version.
It's not enough to tell people to "be sure it's really from the official site."
This is what is necessary.
A) Locate the official site, such as by looking at bitcoin talk.org. NOT GOOGLE.
B) Type the URL in. Do not click on a link.
C) DL the program and verify the PGP signature.
Do it, get used to it. Do it again just for practice.