Do you exclusively rely on the community investment to start production ?
At what stage is your development ?
Why are you anonymous ?
Can you be able to show us proof, of the claims you make by some other entity other than yourselves. You just appear out of no where, with no sort of references from anyone else in the industry. This would certainly help, when it comes to developing hardware the most important thing is to know who you are. Can we be able to trust the person, etc... Its called consumer confidence, if you have a long track record of this, then you can be guaranteed people are going to pay attention. Is what you are offering open hardware specs? I forget if you mentioned that in your website.
Thank you for great points.
Indeed it seems we are coming from nowhere. However we've been working on this solution for the past two years "in the garage" and now ready to go public with the product. We will publish proof-of-work for each completed development stage, including pictures and video clips. Additionally, you can track our progress by blogs published on our site.
The project is developed and funded only by us without any external investments. We have the means to bring EliptiBox to market. Actually, the first batch of the hardware is already in production and will be ready for release soon.
Success of our croudfunding will enable us to work fulltime for EliptiBox and to go fully public with our ids.
Just like you, we love to create and innovate and disrupt existing ways of thinking.
Anyway, you will not have to trust us by using Eliptibox. We will open source all software, as expected by Bitcoin community, and provide full hardware description to enable public review and community development. We are the only ones to provide development kit with full access to the hardware.
We'd love to hear from you about our product and support to create the best HW wallet. We invite you to think about other applications for our open hardware. We are committed to answer all questions and provide maximum information about our solution and the innovative FPGA firewall concept designed over the past two years.
The case model at our site is only a first draft. Final case will look great.