Indirectly, in this thread there is also a discussion about Elon Musk, if you are fed up with the genius man and the richest man on this earth you just need to close your eyes, don't read the news about him.
Don't make the "Elon Musk getting boring" thread
I think this post can be stopped for now.
I think it should not, and frankly this is a forum, not a fanbase.
Musk is not a "Cool Dude" or a "Genius" he has never been.
I've been calling him out way before he went full McAFee on everyone, but nobody would hear it.
Anyway, there are numerous videos dating back to 2014 calling him out on his various bullshitery ( solar city, hyperloop, tesla takeover, the fact that he wasn't even a paypal dev during the merger with, etc. ) : ( hilarious & science based ) ( pretty cool sum-up)
The very fact that he ended up "world's richest person" without any significant invention was already a big red flag.
He has no business being #1. And if it wasn't for "people" like you pumping his rocket, he would be a low tier billionaire ( which is already cool, but still, he's an investor, not an inventor ).
But for me, what triggered it was his last Joe Rogan appearance, it was shady AF.
I'm glad people are finally waking up to the fact that he's no good ( and not just for our wallets ) so eventually his bs TSLA net worth will deflate, as will his influence on the market, and we'll move on to the next McAfee revamp.
He is a boring weirdo who invested african blood diamond money ( emeralds to be fair ) during the internet bubble.
Don't get it wrong, Musk is a glorified Mark Cuban, except the latter is actually cool.
I can get why Zuck, Ellison, Page, Gates, Brin or Bezos ended up in the top 10, they created globally accepted inventions and I respect them for that, at least.