I heard that this should not be ICO but STO, but someone on Wall Street do not like this idea and make some problems for it.
That is insane! First, he became a big fan of DogeCoin and wrote in his BIO on Twitter that he is CEO of Dogecoin and resigned a few hours later
Now he brings his STO, it can bring more interest to crypto and maybe mass adoption. All that Elon Musk is doing turns into really discussed topics! Hopefully, it will be another well announced and hyped project.
I'm not sure, but I have the impression that the information that Musk is the CEO of Dogecoin was only April Fools action
Anyway, it is very good that information about cryptocurrencies appears next to his name. He is a very media person, considered to be a successful person, so he can build a very good PR for the whole crypto world.