Elon wants Bitcoin to be a Currency not a Asset from the 'B' Word
Elon just wants publicity so that he can use it to manipulate the market, usually the altcoin market and make a lot of money.
- At what Market cap Bitcoin must be to become less volatile and more stable similar to the Swiss Franc currency CHF so bitcoin owners can start spending their Sats on everyday groceries and a morning commute coffee drink?
Although a more stable price is desired but people can and are spending their bitcoins, not necessarily to buy coffee but wide range of things. Besides if you missed it for the entire June and July and some of May price has been stable while people who never spend their coins still weren't spending!
- When will Bitcoin become easy to use like a credit card, like swipe/contactless directly without using 3rd parties to facilitate this?
Bitcoin is already easy to use with all these user friendly wallets on different devices from your PC to your phone and it never needed any third parties. Some people insist of sticking to the old ways and insist of giving up control (eg. using using bitcoin cards) but that doesn't mean bitcoin is not easy to use!
- Really Cheap or Free BTC transaction fees.
Most of the times they are as cheap as possible.
Bitcoin can become world reserve currency status overtaking $US Dollar if just the 3 above is accomplished and reached. If Bitcoin wants to be a Asset instead like Gold Store of Value then above 3 doesn't matter and yeah world reserve currency status doesn't matter too.
Bitcoin doesn't need to only be one thing. A currency can also act as an "asset" too.
Elon says Bitcoin Mining can be used as a heater to heat up non residential rooms instead of using a normal conventional boiler/heater
He probably also thinks leaving your fridge door open cools your room and you no longer need a air conditioning.
Why is it that only Bitcoin is picked on by governments and mainstream media blaming it as the climate destroyer of our planet when there's 1000s of industries out there especially the crude oil industry that does million times worse damage and banks that have brick and mortar branches that waste energy because most banking customers do online banking anyway
Very simple: FUD
So has the Bitcoin Community decided whether Bitcoin will be a 'Currency' or 'Asset' and from there Bitcoin can move on and leave these stupid arguments behind
The "community" doesn't have to decide anything. Bitcoin is decentralized so each individual has to decide for themselves. If you think bitcoin is a currency then treat it as such and if you think it is a trading tool then you'll treat it that way.