It seems that Patrick Strateman, Donald Norman, and Amir Taaki, collectively known as Intersango / Bitcoin Consultancy, and also known as "the nimrods that were hired to secure Bitcoinica and failed miserably" are getting ready for the storm heading out their way. How you ask? This way:
1) Create some sort of diversion to buy time. In this case, a "Claim Form" to buy them a few more weeks until they build their legal defense. Make no mistake:
not a penny will be returned by them, since the hacker erased all 33 VMs of bitcoinica, and their database with it. Seriously, think about it, do you really believe they had an offsite backup? To quote Jack Nicholson in As Good As it Gets: THINK WHITE AND GET SERIOUS. Their legal defense will consist on "total loss of data due to security breach" but they need some time to keep the Bitcoinica investors from making too much noise while their prepare their writs.
2) Commence to dismantle their shady businesses. As you can see, is GONE. TRY IT for yourself. The least traces the better. Let's take down the less visited, less public site first, should we?![](
Of course, don't be surprised if the site magically find its way up again after this post, claiming some sort of "technical problem" while being publicly called out.
The reality is: There is NO mysterious investor. Bitcoin Consultancy BOUGHT Bitcoinica, and now they won't step up to the plate due to the fact that the three of them are highly incompetent and shady. The "mysterious investor" excuse won't hold for long, but by the time people realizes that the "claim form" is just a scam to buy time, it might be too late.
The funny part? The about us for Patrick Strateman on Intersango: "Patrick Strateman as CTO with a specialty in security..."
I think before making such claim, you should learn at least how to secure a fucking mail server, let alone a trading website.
INTERSANGO: If you have any funds with them, you might want to consider withdrawing them just about fucking now!