Stop saying that this is a bad design.
We are very quickly gaining momentum and soon dispense all.
There will always be those who do not like that, but do not impose their views to others.
If you say that we are crooks then prove it.
If there is no evidence then should we believe you?
Thank you for raising our topic to the top, and soon we'll be there without you.
Request to all contributors share their impressions of working with us.
i will prove it in few days. every double sites becomes scams in few days and one of them are yours too. if i am false, go we find someone trusted escrow and wagering on 5 btc, are you agree?
Any company is not eternal.
Even people who live about 100 years.
You call us crooks here and now.
Therefore, here and now, prove that we are cheaters.
If you can not do this now, then your words are just air.