man, ask people in Haiti how much they really got from all millions and billions collected all over the world. they got nothing. help to the people directly, not through taxes, through organizations, etc. one girl came from France in my country and asked me to make bank food organization together, I refused to participate as long as she doesn't want to give food to homeless directly then she want to give food to organizations which help to homeless. I told her such organizations will resell food on the market and homeless will not get it or they will get just a little but not all.
so, I can tell you, in EU, many organizations get millions to help to homeless, to help to the people in Africa, etc, but they spend the biggest part of money for their own organizational needs than for end users. one organization in Copenhagen get 20 million euro from budget per year + private donations, better give that money to homeless, after 5-7 years, you could buy flats for all homeless with so much money. but homeless get only food and shower and sleeping, so, they stay homeless million years.
I think one organization from Britain spend just for marketing 1.5 million pounds, they get a lot of money from budget and they have about 100 million per year, they pay British to go to Africa to explain them they should wash hands, the aim is to decrease diseases connected with dirty hands. sorry, but it is much cheaper to pay Africans to explain to Africans to wash hands than to send people from london to africa and to pay they 3000 euro salary + bonus for working far away from home.
summa summarum, billions are spent in bad way, give that money directly to the people in Africa, directly to homeless in Europe, and problem will be solved much faster. it is the fact, there are still homeless even different organizations got millions every year, they didn't succeed to lower number of homeless, but they got 2000 euro salary for themselves. I know man who is homeless several years and I he is not smoking, drinking or anything else. simply, it is forbidden for him to work. I have also my problems, I can not help to him, but I know what is situation and I can tell you, if you make organization for help to homeless and you get money from budget from ministry for social work (share little with them under the table), you will become rich man.
now you understand better how much it is complex problem, making freicoin or similar coin is the smallest problem.
Haiti is the best example of stealing money which is collected by people who believe to politicians. in Germany there was TV show organized for collecting of money for Haiti, people gave money massively, and for what? for their naive beliefs that they did something good if they didn't move from chair, they just paid money to some account. better give money directly to the people or help them to get a job, there are crowd of people who are homeless just because they are without job. but many are immigrants, so, again, crazy nationalists extremists will hate homeless who are not domestic homeless. so, it is story without end, some people are limited in their minds and it is better that they just pay some money to some account than to express their stupid hate against people with different nationality, color of skin, etc.