General Rules
🗣️All Participants Must join JOKER METAVERSE all Social Media And (Bounty Group)
★Once rejected he will not be accepted again Participants cannot change their wallet address after registration, Must be double check your wallet address before registration for any campaign
🗣️Talking About The Bounty in The Project Chat Group Will Lead To Immediate Disqualification From The Campaign And An Instant Ban From The Company Chat Group
🗣️Please Ask Your Bounty related Questions in the Crypto Networks Group
🗣️Please Note That Any Offensive or inappropriate Behavour Will Lead To Immediate Disqualification From The Campaign *Using Multiple Accounts, Cheating And Spanning Are Not Allowed
🗣️KYC not necessary for this campaign All Participants Must Send The Proof of Authentication Post To Join The Bounty Program And give a positive feedback in the comment.
Important rule : You must be a Newbie with 50 minimum activity
Note; They said that no fee will be given for distribution , you must pay Matic fee to receive payment !
Twitter Campaign 50%
Telegram Campaign 50%
Week 1 (22.03 - 28.03)
Week 2 (29.03 - 05.04)
Twitter Campaign 70 Member
Telegram Campaign 30 Member
500-1000 followers = 1 stakes/week
1001-3000 followers= 2 stakes/week
3001-5000 followers= 3 stakes/week
6001 - 10000 followers- 5 stakes/week
1. Every participant must follow JOKER METAVERSE Twitter Page
2. Twitter accounts must have a minimum of 500 followers.
3. Participants have to make 3 new tweets and 5 retweets per week (maximum 1 retweet and 1 Tweet per day).
4. Time gap between 2 retweets/tweets needs to be 12 hours minimum.
5. Participants must use #getdividendtillinfinty
#realtimegame #firsttimeever
#nftindia #cards #poker #rummy #bluff
5 stakes/week
1. Update your Telegram name to Your Name | JOKER METAVERSE (Example: Crypto Networks Community )
2. Replace your profile picture with JOKER METAVERSE Logo.
1. Must join JOKER METAVERSE Telegram group
2. Write posts in the Crypto-currency group
3. If you write any spam message you will be banned immediately
4. Max posts per week: 5
5. You can ask questions about our Bounty in official group, but do not Spam!
6. Participants must use #getdividendtillinfinty
#realtimegame #firsttimeever
#nftindia #cards #poker #rummy #bluff
Telegram Logo:
https://prnt.sc/B3EbF_OfCbQPJOIN HERE: