What hypocrisy! The DAO hasn't been 'hacked'. Ethereum is working 100% as designed. You smart contract lovers soon turn over a new leaf when you lose your own cash. Here are the facts:
1) Ethereum is working exactly as designed. 2+2 still equals 4.
2) The DAO is working exactly as the code specifies. The EVM isn't mistreating the DAO code at all, it is running as per the specification.
3) So there is a recursive payout 'problem'? No there isn't. It was all in the specification. When the DAO was fund raising, it was explicit that the only thing that mattered was the DAO's contract code. Nothing else should be taken as being reliable. Well, the contract code is still operating exactly as it was specified. A 'hacker' is merely using the code in ways that were there to see, should anyone have looked. How can they be stealing when they are just using the code?
4) Do you see the problem with 'trustless' contracts now, suckers? Anyone who claims that the DAO has gone wrong is at odds with the original investment statements. Attempts to block eth transfers is such blatant two-faced hypocrisy.
1) Leader is a total failure that acts as a central banker: check
2) Predicts no problems with the hardfork and huge problems arise: check
3) Contradicts his and other devs views on how code should be law only to become pragmatists when they lose money over a smart contract: check
4) Shitty investors that put millions of dollars in a shit tier coded mess only to bail out later: check
ETH is living in delusion.