Well i am not sure what you are doing but I will buy a lot of ETH when the price comes down again.
Next to bitcoin it is the most promising coin.
I noticed an omission in your statement.. the "WHY"
I keep saying this is all we see here..
Another Noob account saying BUY BUY BUY
with no reason WHY WHY WHY
So uhh Why ?
Well i hate to break it you guys but they are not needed.
And if they are not needed they are not "going anywhere"
What is so special about ETH ?
App's hosted on a blockchain ?
Like a centralized coin running APP's that can can be revoked by the creator ?
Really ?
Run by greedy lunatics who apparently needed millions & millions of dollars to do this ?
Take Note how Satoshi did Bitcoin with 0 dollars.
Also don't forget the entire history for 2 years of ETH and not just the loud NOOB pump shit going on now.
Go look at what happened when it launched for starters.
Also take special note this was an IPO coin with mining tacked on later to shut up the complainers
and make you investards not feel so guilty buying the dev's million dollars bags.
Launch day they snapped them all up with a dummy husk / shell of a shit coin IPO for cents on the dollar.
Buying Millions of dollars worth the second the coin launched..
Only for it later to rise from cents per coin to $10+ per scam-coin.
YOU greedy kidiot investards made these guys rich beyond belief !
And the fantasy / delusion is if you keep buying and bag holding they will be worth $100 a coin down the road.
And ask anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together the chance of that happening.
I have no faith in any of you..
You are all scammy & deceitful and greedy and selfish and self destructive.
Steering the Titanic head long into ice bergs like morons.
You seem oblivious to recognize a Pyramid scheme.
Probably because the idea of one died off in the public before most of you "Experts" & "Dev's" were even alive.
Most of Crypto is run by children fresh in or out of school often with "Marketing" degrees.
Who think as long you do a good job marketing your scam that makes it legit.
AGE + History..
Most of you were not doing this and watched the SAME GUYS HERE evolve and fabricate gimmicks.
I watched as the scene evolved with terminology and "value added" service schemes etc.
We recognized it as it is .. THEN
But for some inexplicable reason you are all collectively blind to the scam routine now.
..or are you ?
The answer is obvious.. you guys just don't give a fuck.
That is your retard logic.
And that means this crypto shit is dead.. including Bitcoin itself.
It's just amusing watching the dregs push around crypto with their nose for peanuts.
Trying to soak it all for what ever you can before it collapses.
Guys slam those bottles of wine and eat your caviar before the Titanic slams into that iceberg
Why bother telling you ?
I am talking to myself.. you people are entertainment.
I use to sometimes scrammble large bags of hockey cards at school as a kid
just for laughs to watch all the kids claw each others eyes out for freebies.
Crypto your a bunch of little clowns that are here for my amusement.
And your little ETH Pyramid scheme bores me.. get on it.. dance for me scammy Investards.
EDIT:i actually think the people on this forum are literally the most dishonest people that have ever been on the internet.
You will find no other place with as many dishonest sleaze balls.
This is their home.