Eth bubble is about to pop pull put while you can. I just sold all my ether for btc and bought 500 LTC which is a far more stable and safe coin to store value in. Think about it what has ether done to deserve $14 value??
Is it used as a currency - NO
Is it widely used for smartcontracts - NOT AT THIS STAGE
Does it have solid design - NOPE ITS FULL OF BUGS
The only thing holding the price up at the moment is hype, once that dies down ether is going down to $1-$2 range.
Really? I too believe in Litecoin and wish it well.
BUT I hope to have enough foresight not to bash a coin because it's doing well or surmise it's doom!
All coins or any ( stock ) for that matter are doomed without support so your statement is an empty opinion.
Your statement about what Ethereum has done compared to Litecoin is obviously not a well informed one.
One may ask the same question about Litecoin, if it has a direction when do we see it?
I'm not bashing your comments or opinion but Ethereum is definately doing a hell of a lot more in it's short time and has a huge growth potential.
You don't have to believe in a coin to trade and make some money off of it. Litecoin is stable and has been but it's all about your intentions, are they long term or short term.