A Venture Fund With Plenty of Virtual Capital, but No Capitalist
Pretty skeptical, that one. Interesting that the reporter quoted Daniel Larimer.
Daniel Larimer was quoted because a virtually identical fund was created within Bitshares...
And it failed spectacularly for very specific reasons carefully itemized by Larimer...
The funny thing is, the late Benjamin Graham - if he could be brought back from the grave - would read what Daniel had to say and just nod. "In this new land, we read the same old story."
As early as 1940, Mr. Graham was needling shareholders for being "supine" - i.e., punting off their corp-gov responsibilities. As a result, until the asset-strippers, greenmailers & takeover-artists gentrified themselves as activist investors, management was all-but impossible to dislodge no matter what they did. Angry shareholders winning a proxy fight was so rare, it was big news when they did.