And you say whales will pump to get more users into bitcoin?Bitcoin is risky to pump, and the chance of getting a good profit by getting into it are so small its not worth it,people learned from past experiences,its not 2013 when nobody knew the upper limit,but now as they do,they wont do the same mystake again (what are the chance of btc going over 1k $ again,0.1% ?)
Granted that the "projections" from the beginning of '14 look ridiculous now, but Bitcoin went though an outright bubble that was kicked off by panic buying after the Cyprus "bail-in." Before that bubble kicked off, it sold at about $100. That level is well below Bitcoin's 2015 post-bubble low.
True, adoption is about where Usenet adoption was at ~1990 because most folks find it the least convenient method to transact. But there are ordinary use cases where Bitcoin makes sense, like sending money over the border to (say) relatives. If The Donald wins the U.S. Presidency, I'm sure a lot of Bitcoin evangelizers will take up Spanish.
We really don't know what the maximum sustainable price is. It could be $1000, it could be more. For what it's worth, "Arpanet" was difficult to use in 1990 too.