We need to discuss everything in details with prominent Core figures and have their support
I was thinking about this.
Why do you need the Core developers' permission? The beauty of cryptocurrencies is it's open and permissionless. You have your right to freely make your own thing and release your own software.
the act of
discussing more something is about
picking options more wisely.. and when a thread asks for more prominent people's opinion about something critical like BLOCKING-ASICS, this could observe the TRUST of people, more and more. and being permission-less doesn't mean you can begin coding and after 6 months of hard working, you suddenly understand that it was all about wasting of time.
so this is about modeling before implementation [1] that we rarely see in crypto-world. after having an idea we somehow used to jump in implementation and don't care about modeling. sometimes I ask myself, why don't we have a DFD [2] approach within BIP steps!? introducing a distributed modeling language may be the next improvement in decentralization efforts.
(Linus Torvalds did not need to ask permssion to develop and release his own version of a unix-like OS did he.
but in crypto-world, a coin carries a certain amount of value not a process. you can manipulate a process so you innovate, but what would we call it if we manipulate a value?
reading the history of Nokia could be useful for the future of Bitcoin. a shift in technology and user experience out of sights of Nokia simply lead them to bankruptcy. Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this
"we didn't do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost" [3] and this thread is going to discuss it, if such a thing is going to happen for Bitcoin too, how we could prevent it.
http://fun.putidea.info/2016/06/nidokidos-nokia-ceo-cries-during-his.htmlConclusion from
The advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tomorrow. You don't have to do anything wrong, as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it RIGHT, you can lose out and fail.To change and improve yourself is giving yourself a second chance. To be forced by others to change, is like being discarded. Those who refuse to learn & improve, will definitely one day become redundant & not relevant to the industry. They will learn the lesson in a hard & expensive way