But also my estimated profits has went up quite a bit. I hope this stays or moves up a bit more.
Overall pretty happy with the results of the hard fork. Maybe im missing something. But really hoping this is permanent and not miners falling off at the moment.
Honestly i think the calcualtors are way off , I think they are not accounting for the drop in issuance from 5 to 3, and only taking the reduced block times into account.
I say this becase on ethpool i have been following this one miner, his hashrate is 12GHs, and he just now found another block.
His next estimated block is 3 days away solo mining , dividing 30/3days that means he will find 10 blocks approximately this month which is
30 eth ?
but according to the calulator he will make 90ish eth this month , something doesnt smell right to me man
either way he was making 50 eth a month before so if i am right he is now making far less than he did before
30 seems low so what i did is multiply his 94 eth on thier calculator times .6 ( drop from 5 eth to 3) and I get 54 eth
I think thats his true payout.
so basically he gained only 4 eth from before the fork and the dificulty bomb , not quite the 12-20% they promised lol