So you afraid that ethereum will become a decentralized platform for centralized operations?
Yes, that is exactly what I'm worried about.
If they could design a system of interlocking scripted contracts, they could create an "approved" system of wallets that they control.
Then they could use existing laws, or have new ones enacted that force exchanges (or anybody else) to trade only within the group of "trusted" accounts.
Like I said, I'm not too much of a programmer or software engineer. But I have dabbled with relational databases that perform scripts and calculations (Filemaker). It is almost scary what you can construct with a few scripts and calculations. You can really make data jump through hoops.
Don't get me wrong, I like the potential here. It's just that something like this could really be misused and I don't know how it could be brought back in check.
As I re-read this, I feel that I may come off as too strident about this.
I think that I should stress that I am in no way an expert, and honestly don't know if what I described is possible. It just seems to me that it might be.
I look forward to hearing from others who know more about it.