Reddit is often billed as the front page of the internet,
Tha's right, many people are also using Reddit to get daily update news, information, and issues about many things around the world. Moreover for the crypto world, Reddit becomes one of the platforms that is most used. We cannot ignore how Reddit can give infleunce to many sectors.
planning to launch a new point based system involving Ethereum
Very good news, however, we are probably still waiting for what kind of system they will plan. The system and technique will infleunce how the users of Reddit should or must use ETH or otehr relation to Ethereum coin. Is it only for addoption, utility, or other uses?
Sometimes, whatever that is very booming and hype will not run well such as Libra at that time. There must be other bad issues that will spread and make the project or even plan changing.
However, hopefully, this will not happen right now for Reddit.
ETH is actually a very recommended coin to trade or invest every time. With many more good news and issues about it will be able to increase the price significantly.