Once again a new game, because all the previous games have been hacked
This new Twelve bagger uses completely new (hopefully hackerproof
) tech. Random number is generated by
Wolphram Alpha and it is relayed to contract by
Games idea is to guess a number between 1-15 and place a bet to this number. If you guess right, you get your bet back multiplied by 12. Minimum bet is 0.1 eth and maximum bet is game balance/12.
[ { "constant": false, "inputs": [ { "name": "myid", "type": "bytes32", "index": 0, "typeShort": "bytes", "bits": "32", "displayName": "myid", "template": "elements_input_bytes" }, { "name": "result", "type": "string", "index": 1, "typeShort": "string", "bits": "", "displayName": "result", "template": "elements_input_string" }, { "name": "proof", "type": "bytes", "index": 2, "typeShort": "bytes", "bits": "", "displayName": "proof", "template": "elements_input_bytes" } ], "name": "__callback", "outputs": [], "type": "function", "displayName": "__callback" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "Results_of_the_last_round", "outputs": [ { "name": "players_bet_in_Wei", "type": "uint256", "value": "100000000000000000", "displayName": "players
_ Wei" }, { "name": "last_result", "type": "string", "value": "Loss", "displayName": "last
_result" }, { "name": "Last_player_s_lottery_ticket", "type": "string", "value": "2", "displayName": " Last
_ticket" }, { "name": "last_player", "type": "address", "value": "0x68403559e710856f0d4519cfab56f74d39883263", "displayName": "last
_player" }, { "name": "The_right_lottery_number", "type": "string", "value": "11", "displayName": " The
_number" }, { "name": "Player_s_gain_or_Loss_in_Wei", "type": "int256", "value": "-100000000000000000", "displayName": " Player
_ Loss
_ Wei" }, { "name": "info", "type": "string", "value": "The right lottery number is now ready. One Eth is 10**18 Wei.", "displayName": "info" } ], "type": "function", "displayName": " Results
_round" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "Game_balance_in_Ethers", "outputs": [ { "name": "balance", "type": "uint256", "value": "1", "displayName": "balance" }, { "name": "info", "type": "string", "value": "Choose number between 1 and 15. Win pays wager*12. Minimum bet is 0.1 eth. Maximum bet is game balance/12. Game balance is shown in full Ethers.", "displayName": "info" } ], "type": "function", "displayName": " Game
_ Ethers" }, { "constant": false, "inputs": [ { "name": "Set_your_game_number_between_1_15", "type": "string", "index": 0, "typeShort": "string", "bits": "", "displayName": " Set
_ your
_ game
_ number
_ between
_ 1
_ 15", "template": "elements_input_string" } ], "name": "Set_your_game_number_between_1_15", "outputs": [], "type": "function", "displayName": " Set_your_game_number_between_ 1_ 15" }, { "inputs": [], "type": "constructor" } ]