The ones saying that ethereum it's going to collapse, which arguments supports your beliefs?
pd: applies to "it's scam" dudes too
You know i posted a scam topic in 2014 on Ethereum.
You have 1 post.
Ever since i have RE-EXPLAINED the damn bullshit all day and ALL.. FUCKING.. NIGHT
..for years.
And all you sleazy greedy little cunts can do is say
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?Like seriously WTF ?
If i told you all how to get a pile of money i'd never have to repeat myself once.
But if i point out how EVERY aspect of Ethereum is scammy bullshit you all get bloody amnesia.
I don't suppose it would happen to have anything to do with the fact that you are all idiots.
And you don't know how to make money except by supporting ponzi's etc ?
A guy posts 100 technical reasons.
AND the response ? "FUD"
Ya.. you bet your god damn ass it's FUD.
It's 101% warranted.
And if you disagree you are a lying sack of fucking shit.
ETH has turned out to be a scam coin far faaaar worse than Doge coin ever was.
And boy you should read my "FUD" on Doge to see how much i like that shitcoin.
At least it was launched fairly not an ICO scam though.. unlike Scamereum.
I have 0 respect for ETH tard's.
You support the garbage ......................for ROI's.
..then your a greedy inept cancer to crypto scumbag.
Why ?
It's YOUR job to figure out why.
Heard of due diligence ?
Google it LOL
There was a time when if i launched my own coin and premined 70 million of them then ICO'd the rest as a hollow pointless coin with no "app's" i would be flamed off the board hard.
Now ?
You all chocked to death with corpses piled high dead from sucking scammer ROI's dick.
Cause of death doctor ?
Choking on scammy cock.
This is literally a tornado of scam.
There is nothing at all what so ever legit about any of this retarded bullshit.
Might as well rename it all..
www.Premined_ICO_crowd_Sale_Nigerian_Fuel_Token_APPS_Free_Market_Profits_Coins_ Exchanger_Profesional_Inevstments.comEthereum is literally a cancer to crypto.