Abnormally low unemployment is a very worrying signal for the European economy. This is a manifestation of the uncertainty of people of working age in their bright future, it is the fear of the uncertainty of the future that makes people hold on to work and not enter the labor market as free agents. Employers have no other reliable mechanism to cope with the shortage of labor supply than to increase the wages of new employees. This, in turn, spurs inflation and inflation expectations. There is nothing more foolish than to consider an abnormally low unemployment rate a good symptom in the economy, it only makes you out to be an absolute amateur in economic matters.
The ability to "change opinions and values" over the course of a dialog, choosing the most favorable version, even if the beginning of the sentence said something different is amazing
Not long ago, all OFFICIAL russian propaganda media in russia (and there are no other media in russia), were squealing with delight - "unemployment in eu - which means they are "asshole" ! ha-ha-ha ! well, what have you done against russia ! and we warned !".
And then it turns out that unemployment is good !?? And its low level is bad ! I am very much waiting for a happy post from you that 50% ruble inflation in Russia is extremely useful for the Russian economy, and 5% dollar inflation is "the US is going to the abyss"
Dear be.open - are you by any chance not Olga Skabeeva embedded in bitcointalk for primitive manipulation ? Did I reveal you ?!
Question - have you been arguing with yourselves for a long time? At least it doesn't come to a fight ?
Instead of many words, I will leave this post, one interesting interlocutor. Can you somehow explain your current answer and your previous post ?