I've done all the steps in this guide:
But has not worked will not let me execute: "./europecoind" nor also europecoin-qt
For what I was reading and I saw in this link: https://github.com/LIMXTEC/Europecoin-V3/releases
I want to run the wallet as a server.
First, let's make sure we all are speaking about the same things. Please quote here the exact text of the error you encountered. I'm sure we can make it work.
I will show the steps that I followed and I think they are not very clear I followed them to the letter
# get the source
user@machine:~$ git clone https://github.com/LIMXTEC/Europecoin-V3 Europecoin-V3src/
# actually go there
user@machine:~$ cd Europecoin-V3src/
*In the first step is very clear, and I have done it without problems
Here it is not clear to me that it is done from step 1 to 2? Because in step 1 it says that I should use user @ machine: ~ $ cd Europecoin-V3src /
But in step 2 when you must give the permission and the rest you are here:
User @ machine: ~ $ and not here: user @ machine: ~ / Europecoin-V3src $ /
In which folder should it be located to give those permissions and update what was described in the step?
# I needed to explicitly grant "execute" permission to all shell scripts in the source tree.
# I know, I'm lazy...
user@machine:~$ chmod -Rc +x ./*.sh
user@machine:~$ chmod -Rc +x ./*/*.sh
user@machine:~$ chmod -Rc +x ./*/*/*.sh
user@machine:~$ chmod -Rc +x ./*/*/build_detect_platform
user@machine:~$ ./autogen.sh
user@machine:~$ ./configure
user@machine:~$ make
*In number 3 is also unclear on which folder should I place to do this
So it tells me that the files do not exist. If I do it here:
"User @ machine: ~ $" and not in: "user@machine:~/Europecoin-V3src:~/scr$"
user@machine:~$ strip europecoind
user@machine:~$ strip europecoin-cli
user@machine:~$ strip europecoin-tx
user@machine:~$ strip qt/europecoin-qt
# just making sure it will run
user@machine:~$ chmod +x qt/europecoin-qt
* What would be the command to execute the demon
I've tried this:
Cd Europecoin-V3src / src
When I do, I say this:
It is recommended you use the following random password:
(you do not need to remember this password)
The username and password MUST NOT be the same.
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems;
for example: alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "EuropeCoin Alert" [email protected]
Looking at the path that tells me I see that the folder "europecoin" has a dot in front of the name: ".europecoin" which makes this hidden and inaccessible, how can I do from console that this folder has the name without the point? Because I do not know how to remove that point I resort to this:
I create the file with this command:
Sudo nano /home/pool/.europecoin/europecoin.CONF
I save it and run it again
Cd Europecoin-V3src / src
And give me the same message that I create the file europecoin.conf
# if you want the binaries copied to /usr/local/bin
user@machine:~$ make install
*This is also not clear to me, I am new to linux, I appreciate the help
Fetching and compiling the source (assumes you have all the dependencies):
git clone https://github.com/LIMXTEC/Europecoin-V3.git Europecoin-V3src/
cd Europecoin-V3src/
chmod -Rc +x ./*.sh
chmod -Rc +x ./*/*.sh
chmod -Rc +x ./*/*/*.sh
chmod -Rc +x ./*/*/build_detect_platform
make install
Running the compiled binaries:
if you DID NOT do the last optional compile step, then after compilation finishes, and from the same directory that the compilation steps were done in:
./src/europecoind (starts the headless daemon)
./src/europecoin-cli (CLI program to issue RPC commands like 'getinfo', 'stop', etc)
./src/qt/europecoin-qt (starts the QT GUI wallet)
if you DID do the last optional compile step (make install), then you can use the following terminal commands from any directory:
europecoind (starts the headless daemon)
europecoin-cli (CLI program to issue RPC commands like 'getinfo', 'stop', etc)
europecoin-qt (starts the QT GUI wallet)
Setting up the conf file:
You can access/create/edit the conf file from the terminal using the following commands:
cd ~/.europecoin/
vi europecoin.conf
Minimum recommended entries for the conf file are as follows:
BONUS - Download the pre-compiled linux 64-bit binaries:
If all else fails, and you would rather just download the pre-compiled binaries, follow the following steps
wget https://github.com/LIMXTEC/Europecoin-V3/releases/download/Europecoin_V3.
unzip Europecoin-Linux64.zip
cp europecoin* /usr/local/bin/
Then, to run:
europecoind (starts the headless daemon)
europecoin-cli (CLI program to issue RPC commands like 'getinfo', 'stop', etc)
europecoin-qt (starts the QT GUI wallet)