Kalau saya lihat
history anda, sebenarnya anda lebih senior dari saya dan lebih dulu mengenal forum bitcointalk.org ini (
December 14, 2017).
Saya juga pernah newbie dan memulai dari 0 di forum ini.
Mungkin ada sebagian senior yang menganggap sebelah mata terhadap newbie.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.31969637Jawaban saya ketika masih newbie:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.31975630Tidak sedikit pula senior yang memberikan apresiasi/membela newbie yang memang berkualitas.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.31971858Nah untuk menangkal tudingan-tudingan 'sampah', atau hal negatif lainnya terhadap newbie, jawab/balas dengan postingan-postingan bermanfaat dan berkualitas.
Iya gan saya tahu, karena senior akan lebih tau tentang semua forum ini dan semua tentang crypto. Tetapi yg saya mksd adalah menegur mereka sebelum melaporkan.
Apakah yang anda maksud disebabkan hal ini ? :
#9User: meidut bannedCopy:protocols and cryptography have a strong security record, and the Bitcoin network is probably the largest distributed tally project in the world. The most common disadvantage of Bitcoin lies in its user error. Bitcoin wallet data that stores private keys can be accidental, lost, or stolen. This is similar to physical money stored in digital form. Fortunately, users can apply security measures to protect their money or use the services of providers that offer high levels of security and insurance against theft or loss.
http://archive.is/kga2NOriginal:In my opinion,the reason why bitcoin is the most secure system is because bitcoin is a strong security record, and the Bitcoin network is probably the largest large project distributed in the world.The most common disadvantage of Bitcoin lies in its user error.Bitcoin wallet data that stores private keys can be accidentally deleted, lost,or stolen.This is similar to physical money stored in digital form.
Sorry, Sir. here i dont make a fuss I just want to ask a question for you. I am the owner of a meidut account.
I made a post with my own typing and I did not copy other posts. to be honest I did not accept because I did not do that.
I from 2017 never copy someone else's writing. and I think this is just a charge for my account "meidut". post is just similar and you report me.
if I really copy please give me an explanation where is the location of my mistake sir krishnapramod.
Silahkan dijawab pertanyaan dari
krishnapramod berikut:
Just similar, give me the number of words you have used on your own. Let me help you, tally, large and deleted, guess that explains. You add a few words, change the sequence of sentences, still it's copy/paste.
Ajukan banding jika anda masih merasa keberatan dan jika memang pernyataan anda ini jujur dan benar-benar tidak plagiarsm.
... I made a post with my own typing and I did not copy other posts. ...
Saran:Berikutnya jika hendak membuat thread, ceklis opsi
Self-Moderated agar anda bisa memoderasi thread anda dari postingan spam.
... kita butuh di APRESIASI dengan Merit jika itu BERMANFAAT ...
Has at least 20 sMerit available betulkah?
Silahkan didistribusikan, aktif bantu teman-teman terutama member yang postingannya
bermanfaat namun belum mendapatkan merit.