Wrong. There is no "Core" did that or did this. A few Core contributors and Adam Back wanted to reach consensus with the miners, which ultimately failed when F2Pool mined a Classic block. Most (if not all) of these people now even regret trying that.
your wrong
luke back tract and pretty much denounced his level of involvement in core within hours of signing
https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/46rk3d/final_version_bitcoin_roundtable_consensus/d07jdup/We can only represent ourselves, not the entire team.
which led to luke saying he cant guarantee 2mb BASE 4mb weight because he has no power or control of core.
which led people to think that the core signatures could have just sent in their janitor and floor sweeper to sign it.. thus rendering the agreement void
nothing at all related to F2pool.
secondly lauda
to address the other matter you have been argumentative over for the last year+ now
you think that segwit offers 2mb right at activation for everyone.. here lukes own words
SegWit doesn't change storage of any data, merely changes the way [segwit-enabled] transactions are hashed for the txid. Currently, all transactions are hashed by serially going over the version, inputs, signatures, and outputs. New transactions are instead exclude signatures from the hashing, so that the txid does not change if [only] the signature is modified. Because old nodes only understand the old method of hashing the transaction, the signatures effectively become invisible to them, and they don't count it against their "block size limit" rule, but they're still part of the real block itself.
If nobody uses SegWit, then none of the signatures are invisible to old nodes, so the entire size must be counted by old nodes and no gains in the limit are accomplished. So the expanded block space can only be used by wallets which upgrade
meaning its about people moving funds from native keys to segwit keys to even start to use the 3mb spare weight.. which you and others are stating 1mb base and 1.1mb spare weight for the sigs will be utilised at best..(totalling 2.1mb)
IF(the bit you forget to add is the if) people use segwit keys.
this was all crystal clear a year ago[feb'16] even before segwit was even ready for public testing[summer'16] and obviously before 0.13.1 release [oct'16]
emphasis if they use segwit keys.