I was staring at this weeks payment and said what the heck am I doing, the BTC is nice but I really don't need it at the moment.
So I went to the https://unrefugees.org/SupportUkraine page and gave them $200 on my credit card.
And I just posted this in the ChipMixer thread:
And tell them it would be nice if they did matching donations :-)
I am DaveF until I say otherwise please send my weekly payments to 357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P Please note that is the Ukrainian donation address so when I change it again I will sign a message from address I am using now bc1qquutf3venv8rufrqua7dv3t6rd2tl28ake4ag5
So far all of you in any campaign, if you *need* the money then don't change. If you don't need it; if you were just saving it, or using it for spare beer money or anything else, at least for a week or two, please change where it goes and donate to some people who can really use it.