I think governments will try to wreck bitcoins, but I think they will fail. Trying to kill bitcoins would be like trying to hold jello down by hammering it with a nail. They can't get rid of it just by throwing the developers away and seizing their assets like they did with eGold and the liberty dollar. Since Bitcoin's value is in the coin in your computer and not in someone's store house of commodities. Bitcoin already exists, and the number one man has already disappeared and no one knows who he was.
Bitcoins are only valuable because people are willing to trade USD and a few other currencies for them. So all a government has to do is shutdown the exchanges and it won't be valuable anymore, because there would be a hard time converting BTC to USD. All the people who run around daring the government to shut bitcoins down are not thinking it through. Maybe the P2P aspect of it is resilient, but when it is worth nothing because no one is willing to trade anything for it, what then?
A US dollar is really the same thing, except it has the "backing" of the government, and by implication, of the entire US society (mainstream at least). And to start it was sbootstrapped by another fake currency: gold. But after a while gold failed (or the dollar did depending on how you look at it) and so they said the Dollar is now value because it is a Dollar, and you can no longer demand gold in exchange. That was possible because after the USD had been bootstrapped by gold for a long time, people came to trust the dollar itself. THe same thing happened in Brazil after they had super inflation.
Supermarkets had to pay people whose entire job was to go around the store all day with a price tag gun, applying the day's new, higher prices to each item. What they did was invent a new currency and demanded that all wages and prices had to be listed in the new currency, and then an exchange rate was established with the old one. People got used to seeing the new currency, and seeing the price stability of the new currency. The one day they just switched over to the new one completely, and there was no more super-inflation. Just a magic of public confidence. The US government can both shut down exchanges and also take steps to defame bitcoins. If they destroy confidence in it, then it will lose value, because that's how powerful the government and media are.