Subject: [25-03-2024 - now] Stuck XMR payouts due to Monero node degraded performance
Since Mar 25 we are experiencing intermittent API errors coming from `monero-wallet-rpc` resulting into randomly failed payouts.
We have performed our own investigation and confirmed that the issue not not originating from any of our hardware/OS/API/software/modules; the issue is associated with an unknown bug within the official Monero core software stack itself.
We will wait for the Monero core team to investigate the issue and release a patch but there is no ETA.
If your order's XMR payout is stuck with the error INSTANCE_ERROR_ON_TRANSFER, the error will be cleared within an hour and another payout attempt will be done. We have implemented a temporary workaround to automatically monitor failed `transfer` API calls that had a response { 'code' => -38, 'message' => 'no connection to daemon' } and repeat them after some minutes.
All the orders that had this issue were already processed.
Из-за некорректной работы APR `monero-wallet-rpc` могут быть проблемы с обработкой транзакций. Часть пользователей платформы eXch стала получать ошибку INSTANCE_ERROR_ON_TRANSFER при выводе/выплате средств в XMR.
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