
Topic: [Exchange] GRAVIEX Exchange: low fees, fast withdrawals, high security - page 10. (Read 38180 times)

Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 2884
Merit: 1137
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Did you read their answer? Take a deep breath and try to read it again, they didn't say anything about ARRR coin devs being fraud... I understand if you are angry about the lost funds but it sounds like you should first approach the coin developers for answers.

Thank you friend for teaching me how to breathe properly Smiley

Maybe my presentation looks somewhat nervous, but this is only because I wanted to post the announcement as soon as possible.
The situation is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Events did not develop immediately. I am not the first day in cryptocurrency trading, and I’m not nervous without a good reason. Now money is lost and there is only one task, to tell about this situation in detail. But due to the fact that there is a lot of material, I don’t get it quickly. Probably from Monday.

And on your question - no, they still called the developers of ARRR scammers - and not somewhere else, but in the public channel Telegram

As for my communication with the developers, its volume is very large. To begin with, the ARRR developers immediately gave me a link to the following announcement on Discord:

It will be useful to pay attention to the number of likes under the announcement. Now, periodically, Graviex will send bots to form a positive public opinion (like the one before your post). But the number of likes under the post on the channel ARRR speaks for itself.

Thanks for the answer, looks like there's more to this if i dig deeper. For now i will just watch from the distance because i lack the skills to validate if this is because of the the ARRR code. Let's hope someone will audit that.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
Did you read their answer? Take a deep breath and try to read it again, they didn't say anything about ARRR coin devs being fraud... I understand if you are angry about the lost funds but it sounds like you should first approach the coin developers for answers.

Thank you friend for teaching me how to breathe properly Smiley

Maybe my presentation looks somewhat nervous, but this is only because I wanted to post the announcement as soon as possible.
The situation is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Events did not develop immediately. I am not the first day in cryptocurrency trading, and I’m not nervous without a good reason. Now money is lost and there is only one task, to tell about this situation in detail. But due to the fact that there is a lot of material, I don’t get it quickly. Probably from Monday.

And on your question - no, they still called the developers of ARRR scammers - and not somewhere else, but in the public channel Telegram

As for my communication with the developers, its volume is very large. To begin with, the ARRR developers immediately gave me a link to the following announcement on Discord:

It will be useful to pay attention to the number of likes under the announcement. Now, periodically, Graviex will send bots to form a positive public opinion (like the one before your post). But the number of likes under the post on the channel ARRR speaks for itself.
Activity: 2884
Merit: 1137
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
I was expecting something like that.

Did you read their answer? Take a deep breath and try to read it again, they didn't say anything about ARRR coin devs being fraud... I understand if you are angry about the lost funds but it sounds like you should first approach the coin developers for answers.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0

I was expecting something like that.
With regret, I have to admit that the Graviex Exchange has plunged into a banal financially-oriented cybercrime! Instead of returning the withdrawn funds (214 ARRR coins), Graviex blocked my account and seized funds of about $ 1,500 at the current rate, which the exchange itself admitted by posting appropriate posts on the resources:

To date, in order to avoid deleting or changing these posts, I spent this morning on preserving their legally certified copies for further proceedings in court.

As for all aspects of communication, with all participants of this incident (technical support Graviex, ARRR coin developers), they were also saved in full, but due to their larger number, they will be laid out for the public to evaluate in parts. According to them it will be possible to restore the chronology and the essence of the development of the conflict, as well as the opinion on this incident from the developers of the ARRR coin.
In addition, it will be possible to compare the nature of the attitude to the problem from the technical support of Graviex during the proceedings, where they did not hesitate to declare that the developers of the ARRR coin are fraudsters (the corresponding screenshots are also notarized in case of their removal from the Telegram channel).

Initially, I also saw the solution of this conflict in mutual movement towards each other - Graviex returns the funds to the account, and I, in turn, delete the posts and inform the public about the resolution of the conflict. However, further criminal behavior on the part of Gravks the theft of my funds, and even demanding an apology (??), which by any standards Graviex should bring to me, closes the possibility of further dialogue, in view of the inadequate position of Graviex. Apparently, Graviex will thus intimidate users in order to avoid publicizing such conflicts related to the loss of funds in user accounts - i.e. if you lost your money, be silent, otherwise you will lose more. The calculation is primitive and clear.

In this case, Graviex somewhat overestimated my attitude to the stolen funds. Now I am preparing material on this conflict with all the details, including in the legal plane. Public opinion on this fact will be fully formed in all information channels.
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation

Graviex administration confirms the fact you addressed the exchange support to resolve the issue of non-crediting of an amount you sent from Graviex. We have conducted the internal investigation and found out the following:

⁃ From your first request to the support you have been provided with the most detailed description of special aspects we faced regarding the work of  ARRR (Piratechain) wallet.

⁃ The next day you were informed that we were having consultations with ARRR developers in order to elaborate the way of resolving your issue (and all issues of this kind)

  ⁃ You did ignore that message and without waiting for resolution of your issue you laid your accusations against Graviex in a number of public media. You intentionally lifted the support responses out of the context, manipulated the public opinion to draw their attention but you failed.

⁃ Only today (a few hours ago) the coin developer provided a resolution for your issue. We have conducted the recommended checking and glad to inform that we confirmed your transaction had failed, and the amount you claimed has been refunded on your account.

We’d like to notice that the way of pressure, blackmailing, and your manipulation of public opinion, that you chose, brought you to your violation of points 5.6. and 6.1 of the User Agreement In view of that fact we will have to lock your access to your account for the period of 6 months. However, in accordance with point 6.4. you can avoid sanctions if you address the Service Administration and submit your public apologies (along with deleting all your claims with false accusations).

Activity: 36
Merit: 0

Be careful!
Graviex bail on me at 214 ARRR, they blame the coin developer for everything.
Now Gravex bail on $ 1500, depriving me of access to my funds through account lockout. (edited July 11, 2019)

When performing an ARRR (Pirate) coin withdrawal transaction, Gravex returned an Error message, and the funds were not sent to the recipient and were not returned to my account, and besides the Transaction ID was not provided.
It would seem that this is just one of many such situations, which, usually operatively or not very much, was solved by the support service.

However, this time Graviex support service responded with a long letter listing the reasons why it could happen this way and the general essence of which was that: "Your coins may have gone or maybe not. Due to the high confidentiality of the ARRR network, our technical command is unable to verify transaction details."

Later, when I addressed to the Discord, I received more explanations of this kind (channel link:
- We have no way to get TxID (??)
- Contact the ARRR coin development team (??)
- We are only responsible for the operations associated with the exchange on the exchange (!!)
I want to note that at the time of sending and at the time of creating this post, the ARRR wallet was not disabled and had the ONLINE status.

Following the advice of Graviex support, I turned to the developers of the ARRR coin using the appropriate Discord chanel, where I described my problem with a request to help solve it. To which I received the answer that Gravex support is lying to me and that sending me to the developers of the ARRR coin without providing TxID is an absurd proposal.
In addition, the developers of ARRR indicated that I was not the only one who had problems with the Deposit / Withdrawal on the Gravex exchange and gave a link to the announcement (dated 06.27.2019) with a call not to use Graviex, since in recent times, many messages have been received from users that Graviex did not credit user deposits or failed to complete the withdrawal, claiming that they did, but "there is no way to verify this" and that in turn is not true.
Link to the ARRR announcement (Post a little higher, the first of June 27):

From myself I want to say that for 4 years of trading on different exchanges, it was the first time I encountered a situation where some exchange refuses to take responsibility for errors related to the Deposit / Withdrawal operations on its trading platform.
If you are working with this exchange, be prepared for the fact that at any time Gravex Exchange can deny responsibility for the fact that your funds were lost at the time of the Deposit / Withdrawal, with explanations that this is not their problem!

Error on the Marketplace

Correspondence with Graviex support



Бyдьтe ocтopoжны!
Meня Graviex кинyл нa 214 ARRR, вo вceм винят paзpaбoтчикa мoнeты.
Teпepь Гpaвeкc кинyл мeня нa 1500$, лишив мeня дocтyпa к мoим cpeдcтвaм чepeз блoкиpoвкy aккayнтa. (измeнeнo 11.07.2019)

Пpи выпoлнeнии тpaнзaкции вывoдa мoнeты ARRR (Pirate) биpжa Graviex вepнyлa cooбщeниe oб oшибкe, пpи этoм cpeдcтвa нe были oтпpaвлeны пoлyчaтeлю и нe были вoзвpaщeны нa мoй cчeт, и в дoвepшeниe, ID тpaнзaкции нe был пpeдocтaвлeн.
Кaзaлocь бы, этo вceгo лишь oднa из мнoгиx пoдoбныx cитyaций, кoтopaя, oбычнo oпepaтивнo или нe oчeнь, peшaлacь cлyжбoй пoддepжки.

Oднaкo, нa этoт paз cлyжбa пoддepжки Graviex oтвeтилa длинным пиcьмoм c пepeчиcлeниeм пpичин, пoчeмy тaк тaк мoглo пoлyчитьcя и oбщaя cyть кoтopoгo cвoдилacь к тoмy, чтo: "Baши мoнeты мoжeт быть yшли a мoжeт и нeт. Из-зa выcoкoй кoнфидeнциaльнocти ceти ARRR нaшa тexничecкaя кoмaндa нe имeeт вoзмoжнocти пpoвepить дeтaли тpaнзaкций."

Пoзжe, пpи oбpaщeнии в диcкopд, я пoлyчил eщe oбъяcнeния тaкoгo poдa (ccылкa нa кaнaл:
- У нac нeт cпocoбoв, чтoбы пoлyчить TxID (??)
- Oбpaтитecь в кoмaндy paзpaбoтки мoнeты ARRR (??)
- Mы нeceм oтвeтcтвeннocть тoлькo зa oпepaции cвязaнныe c oбмeнoм нa биpжe (!!)
xoчy зaмeтить, чтo и нa мoмeнт oтпpaвки и нa мoмeнт coздaния дaннoгo пocтa кoшeлeк ARRR нe был oтключeн и имeл cтaтyc ONLINE

Пo coвeтy oт тex пoддepжки Graviex я oбpaтилcя нa диcкopд paзpaбoтчикoв мoнeты ARRR, гдe oпиcaл cвoю пpoблeмy c пpocьбoй пoмoчь ee peшить. Ha чтo мнoю был пoлyчeн oтвeт, чтo мнe лгyт в тex пoддepжкe Graviex и чтo пocылaть мeня к paзpaбoтчикaм мoнeты ARRR нe пpeдocтaвив TxID, являeтcя aбcypдным пpeдлoжeниeм.
Кpoмe тoгo, paзpaбoтчики ARRR yкaзaли, чтo я нe eдинcтвeнный, y кoгo были пpoблeмы c ввoдoм/вывoдoм нa биpжe Graviex и дaли ccылкy нa aнoнc в дocкopдe oт 27.06.2019 c пpизывoм нe иcпoльзoвaть Graviex, т.к. в пocлeдниe вpeмя былo пoлyчeнo мнoгo cooбщeний oт пoльзoвaтeлeй o тoм, чтo Graviex нe зaчиcлил дeпoзиты пoльзoвaтeлeй или нe выпoлнили вывoд, yтвepждaя, чтo oни этo cдeлaли, нo «нeт cпocoбa пpoвepить этo» и чтo в cвoю oчepeдь нe cooтвeтcтвyeт дeйcтвитeльнocти.
Ccылкa нa aнoнc ARRR (Пocт нeмнoгo вышe, пepвый oт 27 июня):

Oт ceбя xoчy cкaзaть, чтo зa 4 гoдa тpeйдингa нa paзныx биpжax, этo был пepвый paз, кoгдa я cтoлкнyлcя cитyaциeй, кoгдa кaкaя тo биpжa oткaзывaeтcя бpaть нa ceбя oтвeтcтвeннocть зa oшибки cвязaнныe c oпepaциями ввoдa/вывoдa нa cвoeй тopгoвoй плoщaдкe.
Ecли вы paбoтaeтe c этoй биpжeй, бyдтe гoтoвы к тoмy, чтo в любoй мoмeнт биpжa Graviex мoжeт cнять c ceбя oтвeтcтвeннocть, зa тo, чтo вaши cpeдcтвa были пoтepяны пpи выпoлнeнии oпepaций ввoдa/вывoдa, c oбъяcнeниями, чтo этo нe являeтcя иx пpoблeмoй!

Cнимки экpaнoв:
Oшибкa нa тopгoвoй плoщaдкe

Пepeвoд пepeпиcки c caппopтoм Graviex (opигинaл вышe, в aнглийcкoй ceкции)
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation

Another great feature from Graviex. As expected to the Gravio team, always working hard for their exchange.
I would also suggest listing DVT (Devault), it's a pure POW coin with no ICO and premine.
Their ann thread: HERE
More coins getting listed means a great possibility for gaining more users/traders and more dividends for us GIO Holders.  Grin

You can apply for a listing and we will definitely distribute it in the near future.
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 2394
Merit: 1135
Telegram: @julerz12
We are glad to inform about a new long awaited option implemented in BTC withdrawals. Check the box "Accelerate" and your transaction will get confirmed in the next two blocks despite of any load of BTC pool.🤑

Another great feature from Graviex. As expected to the Gravio team, always working hard for their exchange.
I would also suggest listing DVT (Devault), it's a pure POW coin with no ICO and premine.
Their ann thread: HERE
More coins getting listed means a great possibility for gaining more users/traders and more dividends for us GIO Holders.  Grin
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
We are glad to inform about a new long awaited option implemented in BTC withdrawals. Check the box "Accelerate" and your transaction will get confirmed in the next two blocks despite of any load of BTC pool.🤑
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
jr. member
Activity: 410
Merit: 1

Site was down, now back up.
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Well low fees and  fast withdrawals are rly good but what other pros can you name? These can be done everywhere. What about security? How can I be sure if your platform is secure enough? I wanna to try it but have no idea if KYC is needed. (I'm not US citizen)

KYC not required
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Well low fees and  fast withdrawals are rly good but what other pros can you name? These can be done everywhere. What about security? How can I be sure if your platform is secure enough? I wanna to try it but have no idea if KYC is needed. (I'm not US citizen)
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
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