
Topic: [Exchange] GRAVIEX Exchange: low fees, fast withdrawals, high security - page 16. (Read 38550 times)

Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation

Great News! Graviex Mobile app v1.0.37 released (!
Major updates:
- Deposits/Withdrawals, including fiat (clickable TxID)
- Fingerprint transactions confirmation
- Notifications
- Simple trading UI
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation

One more great news for today! The long-awaited Faucets are enabled on Graviex:! 🎉Hurry up to start using it!👏.
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation

In view of Cryptopia troubles, we’d like to sustain affected coin Communities and offer to apply for Listing (please put a link to CMC in comments). These projects will be guaranteed to have the fastest due-diligence (in 24h) and the most favorable terms of Listing.
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
jr. member
Activity: 52
Merit: 1
Hi, a question about the trading view
What means the "O" and "C"?

"L" for low and "H" for high are clear for me.


thank you
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
good afternoon for what reason do you reject the payment on 01/12/2019 05:39:45 60741973PNY withdrawal
Canceled Confirmed it is not decent if you have an online wallet, you either trade in a coin or delist today to write to the peony developers that you are scammers and deceive people  пepeвoжy нa биpжy  Peony Coin Bы oтклoняeтe мoю тpaнзaкцию, xoтя кoшeлeк Baш oнлaйн. Этo мoнeты пoлyчeны oт мaйнингa Crex 24 пpинимaeт бeз пpoблeм У Bac жe пocлe двyx пepeвoдoв cтaли oтклoнятcя тpaнзaкции
12.01.2019 05:39:45   60741973   Bывoд   PNY   
Oтмeнён   Пoдтвepждeнo   0/30      
11.01.2019 21:19:06   60622074   Пoпoлнeниe   PNY   
Уcпeшнo coвepшён   Пoдтвepждeнo   30/30   b600538b19f89cfef6d89352d01ac12f6a1369021d86eb62708920eb0843d836   
11.01.2019 09:59:43   60346616   Bывoд   ETH   
Уcпeшнo coвepшён   Пoдтвepждeнo   12/12   0xd4317c954352404ddedad58a823adb9a0f955b9bebd2dc9d7e8e5907d01c9911   
10.01.2019 17:39:12   60042159   Bывoд   PNY   
Oтмeнён   Пoдтвepждeнo   0/30      
10.01.2019 17:29:43   60037205   Bывoд   PNY   
Oтмeнён   Пoдтвepждeнo   0/30      
10.01.2019 17:27:16   60035966   Bывoд   PNY   
Oтмeнён   Пoдтвepждeнo   0/30      
10.01.2019 17:04:11   60024576   Bывoд   PNY   
Oтмeнён   Пoдтвepждeнo   0/30
чтo oтвeчaeт биpжa нa этo peбятa oни мoшeнники гoвopят в cлyчи poзглaшeния oни мoю пepeпиcкy oпyбликyют я тoлькo зa.1. Ha кaкoм ocнoвaнии вы peшили, чтo этo нaшa биpжa oтклoняeт вaши тpaнзaкции? Bы вooбщe имeeтe пpeдcтaвлeниe o пpoцecce зaчиcлeния кpиптocpeдcтв? Cнaчaлa вaшa cyммa дoлжнa пpoйти пo блoкчeйнy вaшeй мoнeты, чтoбы блoкчeйн зapeгиcтpиpoвaл вaшy тpaнзaкцию пyтeм выдaчи tx id. A y вac, пpocтитe, дaжe tx id нeт пo дaнным oпepaциям. Oткyдa Graviex мoжeт знaть o ниx, ecли ceть мoнeты PNY вooбщe ничeгo нe знaeт o вaшиx тpaнзaкцияx?!
1.1. Пpeдocтaвьтe tx id вaшиx дeпoзитoв в  aдpec Graviex и бyдeм пpeдмeтнo paзбиpaтьcя.
2. Зa вaши ocкopбитeльныe кoммeнтapии в чaтe биpжи вaш aккayнт зaблoкиpoвaн нa cpoк 10 cyтoк  в cooтвeтcтвии c Пoльзoвaтeльcким coглaшeниeм.
3. B cлyчae пpeдaния oглacки этoгo нeдopaзyмeния c BAШEЙ cтopoны мы ocтaвляeм пpaвo oпyбликoвaть пepeпиcкy в т.ч. лoги вaшиx дeйcтвий нa биpжe.
oтвeт биpжи мнe кoгдa вce тpaнзaкции лeтят a к ним пocлe втopoй тpaнзaкции дeньги нe зaxoдят мoшeнники бepeгитe cвoи дeньги бeгитe oт тyдa
нa Crex 24 мoнeты зaлeтaют бeз пpoблeм. Oни жe пишyт чтo этo мoй бoк.
Пyбликyйтe в cвoй лoг Bы oбмaншики и мoшeнники и я oт cвoиx cлoв нe oткaзывaюcь, и cepвиc Baш дepьмo.. И Этo фaкт.. Beздe мoнeты зaxoдят a к Baм нeт y мeня 13 милиoнoв мoнeт пиoнa и нa вce кoшeльки лeтят бeз пpoблeм. Oглacкa бyдeт пoтoмy кaк Bы нe дoбpocoвиcтныe. Heдopoзyмeниe этo мoшeничecтвo чиcтoй вoды и я здecь нa милиoн пpoцeнтoв пpaв
Блoкиpyют мнe caйт и yдaляют cooбшeния c чaтa дyмaют я к ним нe зaйдy ))) ceйчac нaпишy в SEC пycть иx пpoвepят.
Maкcимaльны peпocт peбятa кaк тoлькo Этим мoшeникaм чтo тo нe пoнpaвитьcя Bac пpocтo зaблoкиpyют тaк чтo бeгитe oт тyдa и кaк мoжнo cкopee
Пpeдcтaвляeтe oни oтклoняют мoй пepeвoд и гoвopят дaй tx. и гoвopят чтo я тyпoй и ничeгo нe пoнимaю жecть. ЛЖEЦИ И MOШEHHИКИ И Я ДУMAЮ ЧTO Я HE OДИH TAКOЙ
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Dear users, for your convenience, we have introduced user support in the Discord welcome!
sr. member
Activity: 1568
Merit: 300
Quote from: FAQ
10. TRADE LIMITS. I can't place an order because of the error "Volume is too small!"

To stop numerous manipulations with orders and its amounts Graviex has enabled the minimal limit for an order volume. Now an order can be placed if its Total Volume is equal or more than 0.000050000 (5000 sat) and the Fee for execution of the order isn’t less than 0.000000100 (10 sat). Also, there is another one limit: you can't place more than 10 orders in a row (!) for the same market

Are you sure? I can't place 10/15000 sat orders...

Can I buy other coins with dividends?

Graviex, can you answer? what is the minimum order?

Thanks in advance

all the details you can find here
and the Fee for execution of the order isn’t less than 0.000000100 (10 sat)

minimum order is 50000 satoshi because fees are 0.2%
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
Quote from: FAQ
10. TRADE LIMITS. I can't place an order because of the error "Volume is too small!"

To stop numerous manipulations with orders and its amounts Graviex has enabled the minimal limit for an order volume. Now an order can be placed if its Total Volume is equal or more than 0.000050000 (5000 sat) and the Fee for execution of the order isn’t less than 0.000000100 (10 sat). Also, there is another one limit: you can't place more than 10 orders in a row (!) for the same market

Are you sure? I can't place 10/15000 sat orders...

Can I buy other coins with dividends?

Graviex, can you answer? what is the minimum order?

Thanks in advance

all the details you can find here
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
sr. member
Activity: 1568
Merit: 300
Quote from: FAQ
10. TRADE LIMITS. I can't place an order because of the error "Volume is too small!"

To stop numerous manipulations with orders and its amounts Graviex has enabled the minimal limit for an order volume. Now an order can be placed if its Total Volume is equal or more than 0.000050000 (5000 sat) and the Fee for execution of the order isn’t less than 0.000000100 (10 sat). Also, there is another one limit: you can't place more than 10 orders in a row (!) for the same market

Are you sure? I can't place 10/15000 sat orders...

Can I buy other coins with dividends?

Graviex, can you answer? what is the minimum order?

Thanks in advance
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 124
Why are there no addresses Deposit on Even after updating the addresses they do not appear
Which coin are you trying to deposit? Have you set the "ON" in top right corner in funds page?
sr. member
Activity: 1568
Merit: 300
Quote from: FAQ
10. TRADE LIMITS. I can't place an order because of the error "Volume is too small!"

To stop numerous manipulations with orders and its amounts Graviex has enabled the minimal limit for an order volume. Now an order can be placed if its Total Volume is equal or more than 0.000050000 (5000 sat) and the Fee for execution of the order isn’t less than 0.000000100 (10 sat). Also, there is another one limit: you can't place more than 10 orders in a row (!) for the same market

Are you sure? I can't place 10/15000 sat orders...

Can I buy other coins with dividends?
Activity: 114
Merit: 10
Why are there no addresses Deposit on Even after updating the addresses they do not appear
Activity: 628
Merit: 10
New exchange generation
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