i just visit your website and i see that the website just supports a few coins, so will you add another coin later?
if yes what will be the requirement for the coins to be listed?
Sure, we will be adding new coins. We do not have an official list of requirments yet. I'd recommend to follow our social media (You can find a full list here -
https://nominex.io/about/community )
Btw, what do you think about our website and the whole exchange in general? We're always looking forward to feedback!
I'm not sure about the binary tree can you explain please?
Can I manage the tree by myself? I mean is it possible to choose where my referals are going?
Sure, you can manage it by choosing the "side" or "leg" for your direct referrals. It means that there will be a toggle in your profile, where you can choose either left or right. If you have any questions about the program, I'd recommend checking the full description here -
https://nominex.io/docs/nominex-referral-program.pdf . We're always here to help. Live chat and telegram chat are also working 24\7