by Helen Smith
This book looks interesting. I will have to check it out.
I have been thinking that the women's lib movement has been detrimental to society in many ways. As a woman it sometimes feels like now we are not only supposed to be responsible (for the most part) of child rearing and home-making but also be a breadwinner too. That is really quite impossible to do well, I believe. Usually something suffers. Having married a man (happily for 20 years now) I learned early on that my husband's priorities were not the house, cooking, cleaning etc. That was just how he was wired. I could try to change him or just be content with what a great guy he was in all other areas. I grew up with the example of a mom that was a "Super mom". She was the primary bread-winner in our household. She worked tirelessly and I was often put to the side because of that. I did not want my children to suffer or feel neglected so I made an effort to make them, and my husband a priority. That meant giving up some of my career aspirations and focusing my attention on more domestic things. It is rather hard because now society make me feel a bit guilty for not buying into the working woman, women's lib movement. But I have a happy marriage, relatively happy kids and I think that is in part to the fact my husband gets some self-esteem by being the provider and I bring him satisfaction by taking care of the mundane things he really (as a very smart guy) just does not care about that much, such as shopping, cooking cleaning etc. It works for us anyways. Although I think it is OK for a woman to work if she chooses to, but I really think it is not often the best choice and emasculates the man's role in the family. Just my thoughts.