if you save money in a bank there is no possibility of profit that we will get, while in Bitcoin it is very likely that this will happen if you look at the movement of Bitcoin prices over the past few years.
I think the risks that exist when saving money in Bitcoin are worth the possible benefits that will be obtained.
and for this March's hope for the price of Bitcoin I think it has been answered with what has happened in the last few days, it is the wish of many people where the price of Bitcoin has increased rapidly in the last 2 days.
Nothing is perfect, and why do we choose only 1 when we have the power to choose both? Diversification is essential.
I agree that when investing in bitcoin, the risks we trade for a return are fully commensurate, but consider emergencies if the investment goes wrong and you don't have the funds saved, you will be stuck. Even cause lifelong regret if it involves human life.
It would be unwise to invest all your assets in bitcoin with no savings and vice versa. We need both, both have their own duties, so we can't compare one to the other.