I am starting the abstract coin lottery!
Tickets cost 1uAC
The prize pot will be announced when tickets purchases end.
Along with your transaction add a transaction comment with a number between 1 and 1,000,000 which will be your lottery guess.
The lottery's winning number has already been determined and was encrypted into this SHA256 hash. The hash is in base 16.
One ticket per person.
Lottery entries:
adamstgBit - 420
wastedbit - 144633
Pot shall be total ticket revenue * 0.75 plus 1, so at the moment, u AC is the pot.
How to enter:
Post the below text into the quote chain.
username(balance) = Wallet[address|username]->SendAbstractCoins(AC0fishy|fishy,1);
My balance: 252 uAC