I guess philipma's electricity cost is cheap but how do normal people figure CPU mining with these threadripper is profitable? It seems to consume much more electricity compared to GPUs. As far as i remember the 1900x threadripper mines 1k h/s cryptonight while cosuming above 200 watts. Seems like you can't compare that to a Vega56 that can do 1.8k h/s while only consuming 160-180 watts.
rig is fully roi'd
edit I check rig
here are stats mining with 2 gpus I pull 505 watts on kill- a- watt meter
I am doing 2 1080tis.
no cpu mining with the ryzen 1800x
power up the cpu mine monero 7
watts jump to 555
505 = 12.12 kwatts a day
555 = 13.32 kwatts a day
at 10 cent I am $1.21 a day gpus only
at 10 cent I am $1.33 a day gpu + cpu
at 20 cent I am $2.42 a day gpus only
at 20 cent I am $2.66 a day gpus only
I earn 5 dollars with the gpu and 60 cents with the cpu.
worst case is 60 cents - 24 cents = 36 cents extra with cpu
best case is 60 cents - 12 cents = 48 cents extra with cpu
reality for me is maybe I gain 40 cents a day with that cpu. that is paid off fully.
so for the 1800x it is worth having.
my guess is the 2700x may be good.
thread ripper 2 is a long way off have to wait and see if it is worth it.
below was not accurate I set a meter up and results above are good.
Why not take the 30 cent profit.
the 2 gpus make about 6 a day burning 350 watts.
so 6.60 earn and 350 + 100 = 450 watts that is 11 kwatts at 13 cents = 1.43 in power cost.
so this rig nets 6.60 - 1.43 = 5.17 usd a day.