PLEASE allow me to get this topic back on track people (NOW 2.0 = fixed a lot of spelling)
..some food for thought on WAVES !
actually wave is a good trading platform sasha and his team just need more time to make further progress with unlimited marketing .FYI wave system is completely different from eth&smart contract.
It needs time for unlimited marketing ? uhh for what ?
No seriously, what in the hell does Waves even do ? I have no clue !
The world is going to come clamoring to bitcointalk to buy 100% premined ICO tokens from your bags why now ?
Let's consider what "IT" really is and then lets realistically gauge the value the public has or will have for it.
And then this has to be tied to it's security, functionality, intent and fairness etc.
For example,- How useful or NEEDED is the thing in question for the general public (now or later)
- How secure & fair will they consider an ICO app's "platform scheme token" ?If it is no where near useful for it's intended purpose then why is it posted as an ICO then ?
Did it occur to you all that maybe the exchanges should be SELLING "tokens" when..
..the car you bought ACTUALLY drives ?If this all *NOW* just amounts to Crypto-Kickstarter then what happens what a coin like WAVES
collects your REAL MONEY for ICO scam tokens then fails on it's future promises ?
What happens people ?
You go broke and the douche bag dev's & friends walk off with millions.
And since this is NOT the stock market they have no SEC or FINCEN etc hunting them.
Kickstarter ?
I watched ALL OF YOU dive on BlockNET way back (another million dollar $ scammy ICO)
And i waited silently dropping the matter and came back in a year
and guess how many of you were asking about the progress of the intended platform / service etc ?
Probably less than 1%
You are caught red-handed guys.. you have no retorts to play.. and the public sees it clearly !
I could go on but, i am trying to get all of
YOU to "go on"
I am far more interested in getting people to stop for a second and think carefully.
Because it does not seem like you are all doing that.
You all just seem to be swept up in greed hysteria foaming at the mouth over the prospects
of a digital ICO token get-rich-quick scheme.. regardless of what it is.
Like is it a currency ? NO then what are you doing here ?
Was it Bitcoin that got you here ?And why are you all supporting these ICO schemes that are NOT a currency..
in order to get something else a currency Bitcoin / FIAT ?
Wait, i answered my own question above.
Profit ..this isn't the stock exchange(s) though so that is a huge FAIL !
Then lets go right back to fairness and security..
how fair is it saying you are going to 100% premine a coin then put it on a centralized exchange
..for profit ?
"utility" ? Do exchanges provide some part of the coins intended purpose ?
How many of you use your ICO tokens like Waves or ETH etc at places OTHER than Poloniex etc ?..if you have no other use for them why the hell would the general public then ?And how secure are these 100% premined scammy profit pyramid scheme tokens ?
Ever heard of DAO ?
Secure ?
ICO tokens are no safe & secure "investment" vehicle.They are a
beyond volatile
scammy "investments" the SEC issued a fraud warning alert about
..for a reason !If you wall want to talk about REAL honest legit clean & proper investments then lets talk.
But don't sit there and spoon feed me yet more moronic scammy ICO retorts,
trying to claim these digital-ponzi-tokens are
NOT nothing but Pyramid Schemes.
You all CHOOSE to spew dumb bullshit so you can make money off it with these scammy ICO's.
You all know damn well you have no real NEED for a block chain platforms or app's or smart contracts..
JUST BECAUSE they were added to a block-chain codes wise.
You are all playing dumb.. crying FUD for bucks $ (real bucks AKA: Real Money)
How do i know ? Because you all probably took REAL MONEY out of your bank to "invest" with.
And no tacking on mining to your scammy shit scheme token scam does not make it legit..
It was still a scammy ICO launch.
That stupid stunt Butterin pulled was like..
A bank robber telling you later he donated some of the money to good causes. LOL
Yeah ? uhhmm so fucking what
Many of you here actually can not even read.Which is a pity because that is where you are warned.
Sorry i hate to be so insulting but..
Most of you in Crypto are deceitful, stupid, brain damaged, corrupt or Mentally Ill or suffer from ADD.
All you will see here is,
where does it show me a chart on how much profit i am gonna make it ?Then proceed to run around defending what ever
you invested in pyramid scheme you are participating in.
At the end of the day you are stuck here ..crying FUD
for bucks $Because the general public sees what i see or they would ALREADY be here in the MILLIONS (along with us)
But they are not !
So you are not fooling anyone !There is almost 1 million user accounts created here.
And there is an estimated 2,300 user online at once daily.
So who in the fuck is it that created a BILLION DOLLAR market cap for ETH ?
Or paid a few million for Waves etc etc ?
Those 2,300 people in all of crypto must be pretty dumb rich huh ?
Who cares as long as i make ANY amount of profit ?
Fine.. let me know how that works out for you.. you HAVE been warned of the MANY risks.
Maybe it's time Crypto grew up and acted it's age, it's been 7 years.
Childish ? ..or dumb / delusional ?
Why the hell do you all think all my comments are so long ?
It's like explaining why things are bad to children who never "get it"
One thing is for sure, there are consequences for your actions .