but full of lols.
I don't know which one of you ran and made the NOOB account but ..i''ll eat, it's breakfast time.
Am i suppose to give 2 fucks what some noob thinks when i have been doing this for years ?
You speak in riddles.. bad riddles.
Let's break down the mensa genius logic here..
I have a strong opinion there for i am wrong on all accounts.. case closed ?
Guess what ? This is a FORUM ..it's what they are for.. POSTING YOUR OPINIONS.
Further more you could have addressed any single point i made but instead
you chose to try and have a jab at me to put me down personally.
I wouldn't be surprised generalizethis quickly ran and made a new account after i handed his ass to him again.
There is no replies here because you are all pussies & know i am right !
Deal with it.. I am ALWAYS right.. i AM Spoetnik !
My next tattoo will be across my chest saying, "I Told You So !"
oh well nub's just go back to Shill'ing Shitcoins for peanuts.. nom nom nom cheap coins
That was a tasty snack but i usually eat more noobs before breakfast !
Keep 'em coming fresh noobs NOM NOM NOM NOM
And that's exactly why this thread has the word FACTS used so significantly.