Last thing to keep in mind, if your PSU is pulling 1200watts at the wall, its not running 300watts per pci-e, since you need to deduct the watts wasted by the PSU conversion and also the fan's usage.
Partly correct. The fan usage DOES come out of one or more of those PCI-E connectors (I think it's probably split between 2 of them, but haven't pulled my SP20 apart long enough to actually check it).
DON'T count on 1.7 TH - you have to have a very cold room to even have a prayer of achieving that. 1.3-1.4 TH range is achieveable easily even in somewhat warm rooms though, and is quite a bit more efficient to achieve.
Do NOT under any circumstances try to run 2 connectors from one cable, unless it is a VERY custom cable with something on the order of 12AWG wiring.
SP20 does not have wireless. Standard twisted-pair Ethernet only.
The official spec on the MOLEX connectors that the PCI-E power specification uses works out to 288 watts per connector (the pins are rated more, but have to derate for use in that particular connector style).
Exceeding this tends to lead to issues like the KnC Neptune and some Titans had with MELTED connectors and resultant fire and damage-to-unit risk.
Most power supplies use 18AWG on their PCI-E connections - this is plenty for a SINGLE connector at 225 watts (per the PCI-E spec), it gets a bit marginal at 288 watts.
I wonder, what is the highlighted based on?
I run Sp20E very downclocked at ~1200Gh using ~640-650W at the wall from a single Corsair CX750M, which has 2 split PCIE cords providing 4 required connectors.
The cords or connectors never exceeded 45C and I have a lazer temperature probe.
I grant you that you have to first connect a more powerful PSU (like EVGA 1300) or two CX750, then change settings on the machine to downclock, check power usage, achieve stable hash and then optionally changeover to a single CX750, but it is doable. I run a machine like this for almost 9 mo with no problems whatsoever.
I'm doing the same thing. I have been running underclocked for quite a while now. It just made sense. The 1.7 I don't care how cold you won't get this.
But for everyone except "free" electricity it makes much more sense to underclock you make more BTC mining this way on SP20 Jackson. I have never had issues with PCIe cable's. But I have had nice PSU's on my miners and always been careful.