Fairlay - the future of reliable information.
Fairlay seeks to crowd-source information by providing a totally open prediction market. Functioning more like a conditional betting exchange, Fairlay not only allows users to bet but to see public confidence on various bitcoin and altcoin related events, as well as sports, and general news. By using Bitcoin to allow users to demonstrate where their confidence lies regarding specific event, Fairlay can aggregate the wisdom of the majority.
There is a huge potential in he possibilities of an open prediction market. Bitcoin could be the technological enabler for that. Fairlay sees a prediction market as a great tool to evaluate risks, hedge risks and aggregate information. Why do we have lots of different numbers for weather forecasts or as election predictions? Fairlay believes that a working prediction market could aggregate all data into the best available forecast. If someone has newer or better information he is able to bet against the current prediction, improving the forecast and get rewarded in the process.
About FairlayFairlay was founded in 2013 and is a London-based prediction/betting market. It specializes in getting reliable information for everyone. For more information, please visit
https://fairlay.com .
After a very successfull beta challenge, where Fairlay was able to acquire over 1000 users, tracked over 8000 bets and had over 50 events to bet on, Fairlay just announced betting with real Bitcoins.