
Topic: Famous Crypto Person warned of Bitcoin crash in Tweet to Elon Musk - page 2. (Read 418 times)

Activity: 168
Merit: 10
famous people do have influence, but if we look at their track records, this is certainly worrying
now we will witness how influential his statement will be in the next few days
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
Comedy material is always highly appreciated during bearish days.

It is funny, in 2017 he used this forum to call the top at $20K and the flash crash to 10K then 5K

So he used this forum

Now he used Twitter and sent this new famous tweet to elon musk and mark cuban

So it is hilarious

Now the good news his 2014 book criticizing bitcoin for being a toy and a product of the NSA, did state when tech guys and wall street guys promote bitcoin it will hit $50K and even  $500K

He showed a pattern to booms and bust cycles

So his 2014 book on bitcoin and crypto in general is very significant, coindesk and other crypto sites did articles in 2014 on the book

It's hilarious too

Wicked sense of humor

Activity: 28
Merit: 2
Comedy material is always highly appreciated during bearish days.
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
Dude, stop posting a hundred replies one after another. If you have something to say, do it in one post. And besides words.. is there anything else you have to prove your points at all?

I also predicted the top of 2017 back in 2015
And I predicted Bitcoin will hit $60k in 2021 back in 2014
Did I predict the creation of this forum back in 2006? Yes

Oh God, I'm a beast predictor. See? No substance. Just words.

His plans?

He has a new social crypto
Use of his network generates it
So it's endless
Anyone can earn $500 day his plan
He gives out $3000 free
So if giving everyone $500 a day is bad, it sounds like a good thing to me
Aaaand you just proved your true intentions, promoting his scammy-sounding project.

I like crypto and I enjoy his work

Now if you don't like the fact he created a crypto coin that generates $500 a day for anyone easily, then he gives them stuff to buy and created an ETH exit ramp through NFT Art, well that's opinion, leave the thread, I respond to people as they respond, so I quote and answer

Move on

jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
But he also made false predictions according to this article:

1) . In November 2001, he said that the USA will be nuked and destroyed in 90 days.
Nothing came in that timespan and in 2002, he lied and said that prediction was symbolic.

2) . In 10/28/98, Sollog said that Bill Clinotn will die in his 2nd term. Clinton never died in
his 2nd term of office. Evidence of him saying that is from the website

3) . Death of Pope John Paul II in 1999.

4) . Death of the Black Pope. That didn't happen. Anton LaVey, head of the Church of
Satan, died not the Black Pope. The Black Pope is Jesuit General Kolvenbach, who
resides in Rome.

5) . Recently Sollog's followers said that John Paul II will die at 9/20/02, but the Pope
didn't die on that date yet again.

6) . If Sollog has many fake prophecies what makes his 1995 Solar elicpse information
any better than his other failures.

So I wouldn't based by investments on some tweets or predictions by someone. Just like the rest of many predictions, it's a hit or miss.

Death of Pope in 902 Prophecy in 1998

He died 20/9 20th day of September

902 in reverse the name of the prophecy

So if everything he said happened literally people would bow, okay you're GOD

In stead he gives a high percentage of literal hits with allegorical misses

So his believers BELIEVE and the skeptics doubt

I find the whole thing hilarious

All these skeptics are just validating him

Literal Hits with Allegorical misses

He is literally 100% if you understand his work


Go get his free crypto and buy his NFT Art it's gonna be priceless

Like owning art by Moses, Muhammad, Jesus, etc


Activity: 1134
Merit: 1599
Dude, stop posting a hundred replies one after another. If you have something to say, do it in one post. And besides words.. is there anything else you have to prove your points at all?

I also predicted the top of 2017 back in 2015
And I predicted Bitcoin will hit $60k in 2021 back in 2014
Did I predict the creation of this forum back in 2006? Yes

Oh God, I'm a beast predictor. See? No substance. Just words.

His plans?

He has a new social crypto
Use of his network generates it
So it's endless
Anyone can earn $500 day his plan
He gives out $3000 free
So if giving everyone $500 a day is bad, it sounds like a good thing to me
Aaaand you just proved your true intentions, promoting his scammy-sounding project.
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
But he also made false predictions according to this article:

1) . In November 2001, he said that the USA will be nuked and destroyed in 90 days.
Nothing came in that timespan and in 2002, he lied and said that prediction was symbolic.

2) . In 10/28/98, Sollog said that Bill Clinotn will die in his 2nd term. Clinton never died in
his 2nd term of office. Evidence of him saying that is from the website

3) . Death of Pope John Paul II in 1999.

4) . Death of the Black Pope. That didn't happen. Anton LaVey, head of the Church of
Satan, died not the Black Pope. The Black Pope is Jesuit General Kolvenbach, who
resides in Rome.

5) . Recently Sollog's followers said that John Paul II will die at 9/20/02, but the Pope
didn't die on that date yet again.

6) . If Sollog has many fake prophecies what makes his 1995 Solar elicpse information
any better than his other failures.

So I wouldn't based by investments on some tweets or predictions by someone. Just like the rest of many predictions, it's a hit or miss.

Clinton before Lewinsky there was Sollog calling him the great adulterer and after the prophecy Clinton began his Lewinsky affair on that date
Then he died in office impeachment
So his work has literal hits mixed with metaphorical hits
All of it happens
The black pope LaVey had his heart explode on date he used in pope prophecy

So his misses are amazing metaphorical hits and his literal hits are mesmerizing

If he was in baseball his literal hits would make him the greatest hitter ever

Skeptics ignore his literal hits points to misses that always connect to big events

Did he call the top in this forum 2017?

Did he tweet the top and recent bottom of crash in 2021?

Was he front page news for his 911 warning?

Can't handle it

Oh well

Get used to it
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
But he also made false predictions according to this article:

1) . In November 2001, he said that the USA will be nuked and destroyed in 90 days.
Nothing came in that timespan and in 2002, he lied and said that prediction was symbolic.

2) . In 10/28/98, Sollog said that Bill Clinotn will die in his 2nd term. Clinton never died in
his 2nd term of office. Evidence of him saying that is from the website

3) . Death of Pope John Paul II in 1999.

4) . Death of the Black Pope. That didn't happen. Anton LaVey, head of the Church of
Satan, died not the Black Pope. The Black Pope is Jesuit General Kolvenbach, who
resides in Rome.

5) . Recently Sollog's followers said that John Paul II will die at 9/20/02, but the Pope
didn't die on that date yet again.

6) . If Sollog has many fake prophecies what makes his 1995 Solar elicpse information
any better than his other failures.

So I wouldn't based by investments on some tweets or predictions by someone. Just like the rest of many predictions, it's a hit or miss.

Let's see article 1998, in 2001 what happened 911

His 1998 warning all about terrorism in NYC in 2001

So his miss was a great historic hit for 911

Many considered the old usa with freedoms died that day

So literal hits and metaphorical hits

When you look at his work

60 prophecies in 20 years

Every historic mass death event were in them

Look how foolish you are criticizing a guy who in 1998 said big terrorism in NYC in 2001


It's a hit

You just validated him
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
Stop spreading this FUD non-sense. Nobody can predict the future, if people could do that they would play lottery and be millionaires without wasting time on anything like that. They wouldn't care about BTC at all.
Of course those names mentioned are part of organized "Pretending to be investors" that wanted to play hard for the market.
they even make those predictions and pays posters like OP to support their plans and make the market shaking.
specially those losers and weak hands .
there is one best thing to deal with this and that is "Stop Feeding trolls"

this will fade soon and will forget their plans if we did not react .

His plans?

He has a new social crypto
Use of his network generates it
So it's endless
Anyone can earn $500 day his plan
He gives out $3000 free
So anyone can buy one of his NFT Art Tokens

As soon as you buy your ownership is etched forever in the ETH block chain that you own one of his NFTs worth one ETH

It has a make offer sign on it instantly in top NFT markets

So if giving everyone $500 a day is bad, it sounds like a good thing to me

hero member
Activity: 1344
Merit: 540
But he also made false predictions according to this article:

1) . In November 2001, he said that the USA will be nuked and destroyed in 90 days.
Nothing came in that timespan and in 2002, he lied and said that prediction was symbolic.

2) . In 10/28/98, Sollog said that Bill Clinotn will die in his 2nd term. Clinton never died in
his 2nd term of office. Evidence of him saying that is from the website

3) . Death of Pope John Paul II in 1999.

4) . Death of the Black Pope. That didn't happen. Anton LaVey, head of the Church of
Satan, died not the Black Pope. The Black Pope is Jesuit General Kolvenbach, who
resides in Rome.

5) . Recently Sollog's followers said that John Paul II will die at 9/20/02, but the Pope
didn't die on that date yet again.

6) . If Sollog has many fake prophecies what makes his 1995 Solar elicpse information
any better than his other failures.

So I wouldn't based by investments on some tweets or predictions by someone. Just like the rest of many predictions, it's a hit or miss.
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
I hope that his predictions don't come true fully.  Grin  Then, there are really hard days waiting for us. It's a good opportunity to accumulate of course especially for HODLers. But short-term investors wouldn't be so happy about this. However, this is just a prediction in the end. There is no guarantee for all of it to happen.
Even if it does come true, the best that we can do is just wait for it, he did predict the last crash but the prices did recover right? So my suggestion is either wait it out if you have invested in bitcoin recently. Yes there is no guarantee but the possibility is endless unless something happesn that prevents that possibility from happening.

I did legal work for the crypto fund that bought it

So it's bs to you

Real to those in the know

jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
20k Alexa rank usa is famous

He's in the Yahoo archives for top 50 search terms after 911

He's been mention in top media 25 years

Multiple movies about him

He's famous top art critics like his tweets all the time

In 2010 he told his fans buy Bitcoin many did

2017 he said in this forum $20k top sell it's 10k soon then he said $5k

So he called top 60k
He called 28k crash
He says $15k new bottom

By end of summer based on his previous record I'd say there's a great chance $15k hits

By summer his crypto coin should be a top 10k site not in top 100k like it is now

So within 100 days he launched a new coin put it into top 100k Alexa zone and now he's he's using his NFT Art tokens to create exit ramps for his fans

Read the article on the crypto fund that bought one of his oil paintings from a museum

$1 Billion they paid

Famous artists like Warhol, Hirst and Koons have sites barely breaking 1 million Alexa

His is top 20k USA

He's famous he nailed both recent crashes of Bitcoin

2017 he did in this forum the article links to it

2021 he did in a tweet

Did Twitter exist in the 90's when he was the top term in old usenet?


He's famous
full member
Activity: 2520
Merit: 214 - Mars, here we come!
Stop spreading this FUD non-sense. Nobody can predict the future, if people could do that they would play lottery and be millionaires without wasting time on anything like that. They wouldn't care about BTC at all.
Of course those names mentioned are part of organized "Pretending to be investors" that wanted to play hard for the market.
they even make those predictions and pays posters like OP to support their plans and make the market shaking.
specially those losers and weak hands .
there is one best thing to deal with this and that is "Stop Feeding trolls"

this will fade soon and will forget their plans if we did not react .
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1093
Stop spreading this FUD non-sense. Nobody can predict the future, if people could do that they would play lottery and be millionaires without wasting time on anything like that. They wouldn't care about BTC at all. Luckily there are enough stupid people in this world, it never ends.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 68
I hope that his predictions don't come true fully.  Grin  Then, there are really hard days waiting for us. It's a good opportunity to accumulate of course especially for HODLers. But short-term investors wouldn't be so happy about this. However, this is just a prediction in the end. There is no guarantee for all of it to happen.
Even if it does come true, the best that we can do is just wait for it, he did predict the last crash but the prices did recover right? So my suggestion is either wait it out if you have invested in bitcoin recently. Yes there is no guarantee but the possibility is endless unless something happesn that prevents that possibility from happening.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1965
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
This is pure Bullshit....

" .....His painting of Gods Name sold for $1 Billion USD last year." - quoted from the site..  Roll Eyes  (There was no painting that sold for $1 Billion) ...... "Leonardo da Vinci, Salvator Mundi (ca. 1500) Sold for $450.3 million

Do a bit of research before you post nonsense like this please... and stop spreading FUD.  Angry   Take into consideration that "The Mona Lisa" is believed to be worth more than $850 million. <=== Most expensive painting in the world

I do not know what the reason is for you to be spreading nonsense like this, but please do a much better job... because it is easy to spot FUD when people do not put the effort in to research their statements.
copper member
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1179
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
The guy is world famous for his Prophecies.
He's a legend in Asia, he gave date for Fukushima disaster.
He nailed 911, was front page news in Europe.
Became a top 50 search term on Yahoo after 911
It was #1 Search Engine that time
So he's a historic level mystic

Best yet, he has his own crypto

He gives it away for free
Anyone can get $3000 free
Then earn $500 day easily using his site

His artist site is top 20k in USA
That's huge traffic

He gives away his NFT Art Tokens for his crypto

That allows people to exit his crypto into ETH and cash

Once you understand his reach

You understand how much influence he has

World famous while his twitter account has only 3000 follower and his tweets didn't have that much reaction? He just use Fibonacci level and luckily hit the price close to it. Besides that, It's already invalid since Bitcoin ATH was 60K above and the price crash is inevitable due to failure on breaking the top multiple times. But yeah, Thanks for the warning. Only newbie is trading without SL Cheesy
full member
Activity: 2170
Merit: 182
“FRX: Ferocious Alpha”
Sure enough
His timestamped tweet nailed it
Just like he did in 2017

Article links to his prediction in BCT in 2017

So he called the top twice and gave the bottoms

Bad news is, he says the 28k bottom rebounds then hits $15k

So be prepared

Best part of story he sent the Tweet to Musk and Cuban


Now it's happening that too much FUD is coming because Manipulator wanted the price to drops more for them to bag more money.

Lol that's enough and His call back in 2017 will never happen again, because those days he is with themanipulators that runs the market but now that there are institutional investors? they cannot bring down the value just like that.
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
The guy is world famous for his Prophecies.
He's a legend in Asia, he gave date for Fukushima disaster.
He nailed 911, was front page news in Europe.
Became a top 50 search term on Yahoo after 911
It was #1 Search Engine that time
So he's a historic level mystic

Best yet, he has his own crypto

He gives it away for free
Anyone can get $3000 free
Then earn $500 day easily using his site

His artist site is top 20k in USA
That's huge traffic

He gives away his NFT Art Tokens for his crypto

That allows people to exit his crypto into ETH and cash

Once you understand his reach

You understand how much influence he has
Activity: 980
Merit: 12
I hope that his predictions don't come true fully.  Grin  Then, there are really hard days waiting for us. It's a good opportunity to accumulate of course especially for HODLers. But short-term investors wouldn't be so happy about this. However, this is just a prediction in the end. There is no guarantee for all of it to happen.
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