If you don't trust someone's rating, exclude them for the network. That is all the power you need. If someone fucks up royally they will be excluded in time. There is no need for a jury as trust feedback is a personal thing. If I don't trust you I have the right to leave a negative feedback.
Also, who judges the judges? Theymos, Cyrus or BadBear? All of them are busy enough as is. Pick people to be in the jury or judge the jury? Well, how do you know someone will be integer? It's a bad idea all around.
Have you ever watched Bull? We'd need to hire Dr. Bull to get an objective jury haha
No but seriously just PM the person that left you negative feedback or PM the DT1 member. If it's true trust abuse they'll be found out soon enough. That's what happened to DT members in the past and I'm sure at some point will happen in the future. (Canary in the mine as an example. He used to be DT1).
Do we not already have a jury? All those on the default trust network high enough for their ratings to matter can negate and thus essentially remove ratings by others. All other ratings usually do not matter. I got some very obvious "false" trust feedback on my profile. At the very best it serves as a joke for some.
Idk shorena. How do we know if this is legit or not without a jury?
Unfortunately, the trust system is far from perfect but it's also the best possible system (for now), unless someone comes up with a better system. From your proposal about the jury, It would just add a lot of extra work for admins, that's why trust isn't monitored or being controlled here. In cases of extreme abuse, usually admins help.
Yes in extreme cases the trust will be altered anyways so I don't see the huge concern.
@op how are these jurys decided? Just a random number generator that chooses 12 people to vote? What if 10 of those people are inactive and 2 are scammers? What if one is an alt of the other scammer and you have a hung jury because of it? Is it majority rules or does the jury need to be unanimous?
It just seems like exponentially more work for everyone involved. Why not just make a 'common sense while trading ' thread to help people out? Oh wait. We have those. Newbies asking for 5
BTC loans will get negative trust. It's just going to happen. If there's a legitimate case where nobody knows what to do then DT members can sort it out themselves. They are the jury. If you don't agree with a negative then give the user a positive to counteract it. You don't see that very often though.