Article here: words "white male", or "white men", is used in highly negative connotation, in such rapid succession, it's pretty easy to realize the agenda behind this woman's article. The title of the article alludes to the fact that the writer has a negative viewpoint of Bitcoin, but once you start reading, the message isn't that Bitcoin is bad due to some fundamental error in coding or other aspect, Bitcoin is horrible because...white males are using it.
The writer then goes on to falsely claim that people who are most likely to be educated with "advanced knowledge of computer science, (and) wealth — are also markings of the young, white male". The funny part of this claim is, Israel usually ranks highest, or second highest per capita in this category, right next to Japan and South Korea. The people she attempts to demonize for having too much of an advantage making sickening amounts of money, instead of being "white males", are in reality, probably her own ethnic group, plus various Asian countries.
Let's not even get into the fact that she pretends like the majority of the world is white, when it's not, it's mostly Asian. Let's also not get into the fact that more Asians use Bitcoin than white males in general if exchange data is anything to go on. Where is the demonization of Asians then? Are Asians evil because they use Bitcoin in overwhelming numbers? The demonization of conservative life choices or economics is also seen in the article. Countries with high Asian demographics also happen to be more conservative in nature than Caucasian ones. I guess she conveniently forgot this fact too?
You have to ask yourself why an article was written solely to demonize white males in Bitcoin, in particular, without mentioning the word Asian once when it's probably an even larger demographic. Or why an Agenda without regard to any facts seemed to precede the article. Anyone with common sense can tell you, the writer believes it's okay to be openly racist and hostile against white males with no fear of reprisal, while if she did the same thing to any other ethnic group, she would be labeled a Klan member and removed from any job or position she holds.
The writer will probably tell you, it's not possible for her to be racist, because she's Jewish of course, while shouting slogans like, 'remember the 6 trillion!', to remind you of this fact. If you happen to be Asian, or any other race, you should probably oppose people like this, because once she's made it to be illegal to be a white male, or even not liberal, she'll be coming after you next. Therefore, I ask anyone reading this, to openly call for the firing, removal, or disbarring from any form of "academia", media, or other enterprise, Annie-Rose Strasser, for spreading racism and sexism under the guise of "Progress".