What can anyone do with ~5-20 bucks in the bitcoin world. Trading?
Although I believe most micro loans go to gambling, you can actually trade with that said amount. OP's loan actually helped me so much that has multliplied itself an insane amount of times doing only trading. Sometimes a good opportunity comes in in the market and you happen to be out of BTC. 20 bucks can make a huge difference if a coin goes from 50 satoshi to 100k... (Example)
Again, thanks op, your loan ended up providing me a unique profit.
But that was only you. I doubt many people are spending their 30 cents on some trading opportunity
Yeah, because gambling out 30 cents is much more of a certain way to turn out a profit... Pfff..
I mean, don't get me wrong, but if you have the chance to take a loan with low interest and no collateral, shouldn't you be applying that into something a bit more assuring than gambling?
Although I agree that some trading choices have a notch of luck, doing proper research raises your success chances in a way that can never happen with gambling.
I question myself why would somebody ever loan out for those purposes. I do gamble myself sometimes, but there's no way I could take a loan for it.
Gambling explains itself. You will always be losing if you like it too much. Asking a loan for it, well... I guess that also explains itself.