Also, I love cryptocurrency and I think it's got a bright shiny future ahead of it.. I'll be honest I'm mostly invested in it because I wanted to make money and the reason I invented this algorithm was because I was looking to make money and help out Nxt, and I don't think that's selfish.. you got in early right? Why haven't you sold your Bitcoins and worked on Bitcoin for minimum wage in order to be selfless?
I've worked on Bitcoin for years without payment, and made no magical "early money" on account of having worked on it (it isn't like working on the software results in it paying you... outside of some scammy premined alts
, I think I've probably collected a dozen or so in donations, on account of open source work on Bitcoin), and made a conscious and intentional decision to not patent or restrictive license many piece of novel technology used in the ecosystem. Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology which has the potential to improve people's personal freedom and autonomy and allow more of the world to interact as equals. This potential cannot be realized-- cryptocurrency has no future-- if the system is owned or monopolized through state granted artificial property rights. Bitcoin is also the logical progression of the work of thousands of people over many years, without which Bitcoin would not have been possible.
I think that it's unfortunate that providing freedom to the world also includes greedy parasites who think it's acceptable to go around trying to take small (and usually obvious) extensions of a system that was shared freely with them and take them away from the public for their personal gain. But fact that you're based on NXT at all suggests that you don't actually have the technical background to gauge a secure system from an insecure one, so, well, good luck with that. In the unlikely event that what you've done is at all worthwhile, I'll personally endeavour to ensure that it's replaced with superior unencumbered alternatives so that they only thing you receive on account of your anti-social behaviour is lost income.
If anyone is threated on patent grounds by mczarnek or anyone else involved with the seedy "NXT" project now or in the future and finds this message, please feel free to reach out to me for technical, legal, or financial assistance. I've worked on defending against patents successfully for many years and would be glad to help anyone work around, uncover prior art, or otherwise invalidate patents in this space. Cheers.
Well, if they are using the algorithm I wrote, then I feel like it is reasonable to expect to be paid for it. After all, I have spent a year learning all I could about blockchains and at least half a year figuring out how to make decentralized instant transactions work in the context of a blockchain and years before that learning about computer software, hardware, and math. And patents are a good thing, because I will now be able to share this algorithm and provide Bitcoin with something very good in the process. But I wouldn't have spent that much time working on it, if my intention wasn't to try to figure out how to make money off of it. So in this case, patents are providing something new to the system that may have not been discovered for years to come. If it was so obvious, then surely someone would have figured it out, right?
NXT's algorithm is actually very secure, I'm in the process of writing a paper explaining how Nxt solves the Nothing At Stake Problem. Which let's face it, is only an issue if over approximately 50% of the forging stake is running a version of the software that tries to be selfish and work together to form attacking branches. I would be happy to run it by you and hear your thoughts. I suspect you haven't heard one key part of the algorithm that fixes the nothing at stake issue and provides 90% protection to the network.
Congrats on working for donations only.. but did you invest early yourself? Maybe not the only reason, part surely part of your reason for working on Bitcoin is in order to increase the price of the Bitcoin you own. Maybe you actually are that selfless.. it's nice to have those kinds of people in the world. But I've spent the last 6 months surviving off of less than minimum wage, specifically because I had and initial idea and wanted to flesh it out, analyze it from all angles and figure out how to do this.
And why do I want money? Because most of my life I haven't had enough of it and have had to pinch pennies and scrounge to make sure that I could maintain a reasonable quality of life, it would be really nice to have a nice financial cushion. At that point, I will likely be a lot more generous. For me it's not about being greedy or wanting a nice fancy sports car.
It's funny that people working on money believe that money can be evil.. money can be a good thing and a good incentive for getting things done.