BTC Faucet Rotator Master BTC Desktop Faucet RotatorHey guys, I'm developing a windows desktop (runs in linux under Wine) faucet rotator for bitcoin (but you can create your own list, with any cryptocurrency)
in C-Sharp programming language. I hope this helps you how much rotator is helping me, good earnings!
I would appreciate if you can help me suggesting new faucets, fixing bugs, suggest improvements, or what you want, I can try to improve
* Create your own faucet lists
* Search faucets by name (write text and press ENTER on text box)
* Filter faucets by payment, captcha, anti-bot, threshold, ad-time and safety limit.
* Load/Save faucet list from/to a file
* Load/Save faucet list from/to clipboard
* Mark faucet as claimed or not claimed
* Faucet list with about 200 faucets, updated automatically (no needs download the app again)
* Order faucet list by name, time, reward, info and satoshi per minuteInfo Tags to you make your own faucet list (I recommend you to separate tags with " | " without quotes)
Payments : FaucetBox, Direct, Xapo, ePay and Paytoshi
Captchas : reCaptcha, FunCaptcha, Are You A Human and Solve Media
Withdral minimum : Threshold
Anti-Bot : β
Ad-time : 🕓
Faucet alert for exceed safety limits : SL
~~~ Program interface ( I'm trying to improve design, seems I'm not good in it
) Faucet mark ( When you open a faucet, the program interface disappear then this window will open ) : Will mark faucet as green and increase satoshi claim amount number.
Not claimed : Will mark faucet as red and will not increase satoshi claim amount number.
--- : Will not mark faucet and will not increase satoshi claim amount number.
~~~ Filter ( You need to unmark what you don't want to see ) (v1.1) --> Scan : personal e-mail : [email protected]My bitcoin wallet : 114SfErQB37sMkwatjVf5UURHEsMArfXqV(Sorry for long link, shorten link are blocked hear)